Angela Fiducia Tilton Heywood:
In the Shadow of a Man
February 6, 2001
by Wendy McElroy, mac@ifeminists.com
Like many women married to prominent men, Angela T. Heywood was an equal
partner in life and love with her husband Ezra H. Heywood. Nevertheless,
she has been virtually ignored even while her husband's profile in America's
radical history has become more prominent through recent research. Yet,
in her day, Angela was the subject of much attention and speculation. Many
of those associated with the Heywoods' labor reform and free love periodical
The Word (1872 - 1892) considered Angela to be far more radical
than Ezra.
Ezra Heywood became notorious because he refused to accept the restrictions
that the Comstock law imposed on the circulation of sexual information,
especially birth control information. His rebellion against censorship
led to years of legal persecution and imprisonment, much of which sprang
from the distribution of his pamphlet Cupid's Yokes through which
he advocated placing sexual urges under the control of reason rather than
'animalism'. Perhaps no other work was as influential as Cupid's Yokes
in opening 19th century America to a discussion of free love and birth
When Angela Heywood married Ezra in 1865, she became an equal partner
in his work but her contributions rarely received equal credit. For example
one of Ezra's best known works, Uncivil Liberty, was acknowledged
to have been written with her 'aid.' The extent of the aid rendered by
Angela was never delineated or properly credited. She did seem to receive
a full measure of blame, however, for the problems that beset The Word.
For example, Angela was regularly blamed for the periodical's 'plain speech
policy' by which sexual issues were bluntly discussed, e.g. the sexual
organs were correctly identified without euphemism. The September 1892
issue of The Word reprinted a letter to Angela from reader Laura
C. Eldridge who expressed a common sentiment:
"...You foul mouthed, disgusting thing! You ought to be tied
to a whipping post until you promised to use decent language. Your demented
old idiot of a husband isn't half-so much to blame as you are; I think
he would be half decent if it wasn't for you... Of course Heywood will
go to prison where he ought to go, only you ought to be there too -- and
put in close confinement -- where you couldn't contaminate the rest of
the felons with your dirty tongue. You nasty brute! You vilest thing
in the country!...Your children ought to be taken away from you and very
likely will be...."(p.2)
Others deeply admired the 'plain speech policy' for which Angela seemed
responsible. Yet the policy made Angela the subject of much speculation.
What other radical woman of the day insisted on publicly pronouncing words
such as 'penis' from the podium, while privately maintaining a personal
life that was beyond reproach? She was a devoted mother who advocated abstinence
as a form of birth control. She was a legally married woman who decried
the intervention of clergy or magistrates into sexual relations and called
marriage "the auction-block of primitive sale and slavery of woman to man..."
What other birth control advocate lamented the fact that someone else (Ezra)
was arrested by Anthony Comstock when she so clearly deserved the honor
In pursuit of the paradox that was Angela, a contributor to the popular
radical newspaper Boston Investigator did some journalistic investigation.
Under the pen name 'Tourist', he questioned the Heywood's neighbors in
Princeton, Massachusetts and reported back the words of one of them:
"'I don't know what to think of them,' said an old Farmer,
'they find fault with everything; all society, law, government, and religion,
are, in their estimation, out of joint and in disorder.' 'Well, aside from
their theories, what do you think of their character as shown by their
conduct? Do they do wrong?' I asked. 'No,' said he, 'so far as behavior
goes they are jest as good as anybody. Nobody round here ain't more obliging
then they be. They're no more free-lovers in their conduct than I am. I
believe they are as true to each other as any married couple in the world
ever was.'"
Not knowing what to think of Angela's policy of "unrestrained reference
to sexual distinctions" -- a policy of which he clearly disapproved --
the nosy journalist finally contented himself with denouncing her for not
accepting the expediency of respecting society's prudishness.
Angela bewildered even those who were familiar with the radical politics
and attitudes expressed by The Word. L.V.P. -- probably Lucien V.
Pinney, editor of the Winsted Press -- speculated at length about
the ostensibly contradictory spirit of Angela:
"Mrs. Heywood, the Woman of Princeton, is a mystery beyond
my depth -- but I claim no profound depth in the study of woman. I feel
that a totally wrong idea of her prevails among those who have not the
pleasure of her acquaintance. If anybody supposes that she is coarse or
masculine he is mistaken. If anybody says that she is lewd or lascivious
he lies. She is a power acknowledged here and consulted on all occasions,
and the commotion of thought raised by The Word is as much due to her as
to anybody. To leave her out of an account in this Princeton drama would
be like leaving Joan of Arc out of the history of France, yet I can hope
to do her only fragmentary justice in this brief space. She is light in
complexion, fine in texture, joyous in disposition, 50 years old, and mother
of four children, all living. While Mr. Heywood is methodical and moderate
in his thought, arriving at his conclusions by the toil of intellect, she
is quick and impulsive, arriving at her conclusions by the flash of intuition.
She has vision, hears voices, and dreams, and she is at times a whirl wind
of words, delivered with startling effect. She is naturally musical and
instinctively dramatic, loves the lights, colors and rhythmic sounds of
the theatre, loves Art in action hanging draperies over stark Utility,
but she is in nothing frivolous, and she dwells with rare fortitude in
the 'cellar basement' of experience --a hard working housewife, doing as
an artist the work of a 'scrub.' She is volatile in expression and frets
under the inexorable and necessary editorial condensation of Mr. Heywood
which she rightly feels is fatal to flexible and melodious expression.
He is the sententious writer of resolutions butchering her beautifies of
song to expose the bare bones of an idea. She is a fine colloquist, a quick-witted
and appreciative listener, brim full of good humor, a woman of tact and
nice discrimination, and with strong moral self-reliance and courage combines
tender solicitude for the wronged and oppressed. She has the same infatuation
for the human race that leads her husband through the fires of persecution
to ideal Liberty, but she has a more attractive and vivacious way of expression,
and is as sunny and winsome in her various notions as he is solid and sedate.
If anything is to be known of a woman by appearances she is the most loyal
of wives and loving of mothers. Mr. Heywood's confidence in her is implicit,
and the trustful reliance by which she holds her children to herself in
close companionship (I speak of little Psyche and Angelo of whom I see
most, Vesta and Hermes being at school in Providence) is evidence of her
mother love. She takes good care of her very large house and sometimes
very large family (guests) and like many a labor reformer believes in eight
hours and works sixteen.
"'The situation' without Mrs. Heywood would be no situation
at all or worse. She is the light, the life, and I am tempted to say the
motive power of the establishment. She believes that Mr. Heywood is right,
that with him she has a serious life work to perform and that she should
do her full share of the labor cheerfully, suffering any sort of deprivation
necessary to help him develop new ideals. Her intelligence, breadth and
clearness of vision are shown in her leaflet literature, where on the difficult
and intricate subject of sex she has said some of the best things that
have yet appeared in print, without saying any of the worst. She is voluble
but it is a volubility weighted with good thoughts on every subject. About
her house with her children she is a laughing joyous girl; she is also
a tender, sympathetic and compassionate woman; she delves in the earth
with her hands and touches the skies with her thought; in impromptu expression
she is amazing, in all things she is feminine, and the courage and fortitude
she displays under the trying conditions of her life must win admiration
from all who are acquainted with the facts...."
Let us ask the same question that occupied the attention of 19th century
radicals: Who is Angela?
Angela Fiducia Tilton Heywood was born in Deerfield, New Hampshire to
Daniel and Lucy Tilton. The farm-couple appropriately named their daughter
Angela Fiducia -- the 'angel of fidelity'. On her maternal side, she was
descended from the bloodline of the English philosopher John Locke. On
her paternal side, she traced her roots to the Scotch Thomsons, Shaws &
Crosses. At ten years of age, Angela was forced to leave home to earn a
living by taking care of children and doing housework as a domestic. Eventually,
she passed in and out of a variety of factory and sweat shop jobs. The
jobs she later listed as part of her life experience included dressmaker,
barn-cleaner, writer, cook, tending a public library, milking cows, organizing
conventions, and lecturing. Even while she was occupied by jobs that involved
little manual labor, e.g. lecturing, Angela worked tirelessly at running
the boarding houses that provided an income for her family. Without question,
a lifetime of hard physical labor at low paying employment led Angela to
become an ardent advocate of labor reform for working girls.
She also became an early voice calling for women to be compensated for
performing housework. A report of the New England Labor Reform League (NELRL)
Convention held on May 25 and 26, 1873 stated, "Mrs. A.T. Heywood presented
this: Resolved, That the labor of girls in housework is better performed
than present compensation deserves it should be; if it is uneducated and
unreliable, it is because it is underpaid and regarded as disreputable;
when bread making and house cleaning are justly rewarded and honored as
all true labor should be, and the idleness of so- called ladies is alone
deemed vulgar, the vexed question of 'our help' will virtually be settled."
Although Angela became deeply critical of traditional religion, this
stance evolved through experience as well. At the age of eighteen, she
had a religious experience that led her to join the church, where she taught
Sunday School. During this period, she also attended lectures by such radical
thinkers as William Lloyd Garrison, Wendell Phillips, and Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Such teachers led her to question the political and religious world about
her, but Angela maintained that her most valuable life lessons came from
her association with common people, especially from women. She declared,
"[W]ashers, stitchers, cooks, farmers, ditchers, hodcarriers were my immediate
teachers...I have been & am known & loved by many noble women,
always counting two women among my intimate friends to one man knowing
Angela inherited the tendency to trust common sense and common people
from her mother, who considered book-learning to be virtually a waste of
time when compared with the richness of experience. As Angela explained,
"Mother Tilton admonished us children & others she taught...never to
defer to doctors, lawyers, clergymen but meet them simply as persons; never
to bow lower or courtesy quicker to 'educated' than to unbookish people."
Accordingly Angela did not defer to her more prominent and better educated
husband on radical matters. In the early years of The Word and of
the several reform organizations that revolved around the periodical, Ezra
certainly took the more visible role. For example, he often assumed leadership
of the NELRL and was responsible for conducting meetings. This did not
prevent Angela from standing up in the audience to call him publicly to
task. For example, at one NELRL meeting in 1873, Ezra presented what he
must have thought to be a safe resolution. "Resolved, That since
the assumed right of men to govern wives, mothers and sisters without their
consent is an odious relic of savage power, we favor the removal of the
word 'male' from the voting lists and the immediate abolition of the financial
and social subjection in which men now think it best to keep women."
One can only imagine Ezra's surprise when -- as the report of the meeting
went on to state -- "Mrs Heywood objected to her husband's shameful resolution
on the woman question, because in its opening it made no reference to women
who have no male relatives. Such women are at the mercy of their employers,
if the employers know their circumstances. Has my husband, said Mrs. Heywood,
any more right to be a rascal towards a friendless girl than he would like
the supreme rascal that can be found to be toward our daughter? If a new
system of government is to be formed,'us girls' mustn't be left out."
Little wonder that Angela was among those who met on December 1873 to
form an American Woman's Emancipation Society.
One of Angela's first contributions of material to The Word was
a letter on prostitution in which she upbraided the free love advocate
Moses Hull, "the Editor of Hull's Crucible of Jan. 15." Hull had
expressed the sentiment: "It would be better for that woman [a married
woman who could not bear her husband's touch] if her husband could be prevailed
upon to go to a regular prostitute for gratification rather than to so
frequently require of her what her soul and body loathe."
Again, Angela took extreme exception to a man's analysis of a woman's
issue. She claimed that any woman who married a man whose touch she could
not bear -- or who stayed married to him after physical loathing had developed
-- had no business calling another woman a prostitute. Taking offense from
Hull's remarks, Angela was not above making the attack on his position
into a personal one. She asked, "Is Mr. Hull's sister, mother, wife, or
daughter the regular prostitute to whom he refers, or is it some other
less fortunate woman who he so coolly damns to the lecherous uses of his
brother man?.... Prostitute! The word is man- coined and man-preserved
to fit the victims of a man-ordained and man-upheld industrial servitude
which Mr. Hull has yet found no place, in his 'Crucible' to condemn."
Angela was beginning to find her voice. Meanwhile, she continued in
a role that was no less vital to the health and well-being of The Word.
She was largely responsible for making the money upon which the family
and the periodical depended. The Cambridge Press commented, "While
in Princeton, the other day a large good-looking edifice was pointed out
to us as a summer boarding house kept by Mr. E.H. Heywood, the somewhat
famous labor reformer..." To his credit, Ezra corrected the newspaper,
saying that the house was owned and run by Angela through which she earned
"our board and clothes." [Emphasis added.]
Angela worked literally from dawn 'til dusk to provide an income for
the family, and she remained the emotional mortar that held it together
throughout Ezra's long imprisonments. But she also assumed a new and more
intellectually active role. With Ezra, she formed the Co-operative Publishing
Company in order to issue Ezra's pamphlets along with other radical tracts.
In the innovative manner typical of Angela, the Co-operative Publishing
Company sought to turn a profit through the use of Lady Agents. These were
saleswomen who toured New England, the Midwest and as far north as Canada
to visit factories or the other places where working people gathered. Once
they had found their audience, the Lady Agents spoke on subjects such as
labor reform and birth control, then offered their pamphlets for sale to
the workingmen and women. Among the most prominent Lady Agents were Angela's
sisters: J. Flora Tilton and Josephine Tilton.
Although many articles in The Word were published without identifying
the author, Angela's hand was clearly the one behind a series of letters
on "Book Canvassing." These letters offered practical advice to the young
Lady Agents who, in their travels, would encounter a great many males with
lascivious intentions. One letter stressed that the women should study
the books they were attempting to sell as a means of protecting themselves
against male advances. Angela explained, "A man likes to play 'hide and
seek' with a girl's thought and easily becomes 'personally interested to
know her more intimately;' but you are to call his idle curiosity and rising
heats to order, fix his attention by the serious sincerity of your manner..."
In other words, talk on an intellectual rather than a personal level.
In dealing with how the two sexes interacted, Angela's letters to Lady
Agents hinted at the arena in which she would find her true voice: the
advocacy of free love. In this arena, and especially with the inauguration
of the New England Free Love League (NEFLL), Angela came to the forefront.
One attendee of a NEFLL meeting commented, "Our idea of order was better
enforced by the well-chosen words and impressive appeals of Mrs. Angela
T. Heywood, who is a coming teacher of wild boys and infuriated husbands
in Free Love conventions." The Word also announced that Angela was
now co-lecturing with Ezra in several venues throughout Massachusetts.
The subject was "Love and Marriage. Subsequent reports made it clear that
it was Angela, and not her husband, who most impressed the audiences. Her
popularity might be partially ascribed to the novelty of a woman speaking
out plainly about sexual issues. The novelty, or notoriety, might also
explain some of the unruly mobs which greeted the lecturing couple.
At the same time, Angela began to receive more credit and attention
for the material she contributed to The Word. The 'credit' was not
always positive in nature. For example, when Benjamin Tucker announced
his departure from his role as co-editor of The Word, he explicitly
blamed his disillusionment upon the periodical's new stress on free love.
The shift was largely due to Angela's influence -- a fact of which Tucker
took explicit note.
Ezra felt impelled to defend his wife, "For this timely and beneficent
issue [of The Word] the public is indebted, not to us, but to Angela
T. Heywood. The part of her speech which raised a commotion in Boston last
May was where she painted the processes by which, out of profits derived
from the less-paid labor of women, a man acquires the money and the effrontery
to offer five hundred dollars for the virginity of a girl. A.T.H.'s articles
since printed in The Word...have the same purpose --the liberation of
woman from the special financial thraldom in which she is now held
by man, and by which, as compared with man's wages, she is defrauded
of fifty per cent of her rightful earnings..."
Over and over again, Angela was elected as an officer of NEFLL, and
her stance on woman's rights became increasingly more radical -- or, perhaps,
they were merely more freely expressed than before. She wrote, "...women
are not bound to obey existing laws, for they have no voice in making them;
these laws are only the registered opinions of men." Meanwhile, Angela
and Ezra began to hold classes in Socialism in Nassau Hall, Boston under
the auspices of the NEFLL. In the wake of these classes, the Rev. Joseph
Cook publicly described Angela as, "A brazen woman who stands up to call
herself the wife of one man, and in leprous language with profanity before
a mixed audience proclaims her perfect freedom to do as she pleases...
They [Angela and Ezra] do not comprehend how the deeper heart of the community
is against them..."
If the couple did not comprehend the extent of societal resistance to
their ideas, enlightenment was soon in coming. On November 3, 1877, Ezra
was arrested for sending Cupid's Yokes through the mail in violation
of the Comstock law. The February 1878 issue of The Word described
how, upon being sentenced, Ezra had sent for Angela and their children
so that he could see them once more before being imprisoned under terms
that included extremely limited visitation privileges.
In Ezra's absence, Angela continued to work on The Word and to
serve as the acting manager of an upcoming NEFLL Convention. She herself
did not escape harassment by the authorities, as was reported in The
Word, "An officer of the law came in and forbid her taking fees at
the door because she had not a license!...A.T.H. promptly refused to recognize
the official terrorism as law, dismissed the convention and will assert
the right of the people to assemble and her right to speak without a 'license'
at an early day in Boston."
A series of protest meetings in support of the incarcerated editor were
held in Boston. From prison, Ezra wrote a report that gave the flavor of
one such meeting, the details of which were most probably related to him
by Angela. He wrote,
"Benj. R. Tucker, A.E. Giles, Esq., and Rev. Jesse H. Johnes
greatly served Truth and Liberty by their presence and attitude in Comstock's
Boston meeting, May 28th. Alluding to us [Ezra and Angela] as 'a most infamous
publisher who only awaits sentence,' adding of A.T.H. 'His wife is at the
door with an insult on her lips and a curse for me as I entered,' (which
latter is false since Mrs. H. only looked at and designated him to a friend)
he referred to Mr. Tucker as one present 'who had followed him in many
places and shown his scornful face as the cause had been argued' and pointed
him out to excited Christians who shouted, 'Where is he?' 'Show him up;'
whereupon Mr. Tucker rose, saying he 'was not afraid or ashamed to be seen'
and declared Comstock 'a liar.'"
Meanwhile, the imprisoned editor wrote fondly to Angela, "From June 5th
1865 to June 25th, last, -- thirteen years and nineteen days, -- we had
lived together doing our chosen work, and rejoicing in the pledges of love
given us..."
Ezra may have been writing love letters to Angela from jail, but public
opinion tended to be harsher in its attitude toward her. People blamed
her -- and the plain speech policy she championed -- for her husband's
imprisonment. In The Word, Ezra commented at length on the swelling
backlash against his wife,
"Mr. Waite elsewhere gives one main 'reason why' we got two
years in Dedham Jail, viz: because 'the woman in the case' [Angela] spoke
plainly, in Boston, Worcester and elsewhere, on 'the bodily relations of
the sexes even in a state of nudity;' A.T.H. was fiercely assailed by court
officers, religio-political magnates--and 'cultured' exponents of propriety;
quoted by Comstock before Congressional Committees, and in an affidavit
letter to President Hayes,--all to show first that we must be imprisoned
and afterwards that we MUST NOT be released, lest we might again
hold Free Love Conventions in which 'Mrs. Heywood' was the 'provoking'
but always popularly interesting and instructive speaker. She 'still lives'
and 'The Classes in Socialism,' which her telling addresses did much to
make effective, self-supporting and honorably famous, have a future as
well as a past..."
Criticism of her plain speech policy seemed only to spur Angela onto more
flowery and explicit language in her demand for woman's autonomy and for
men's respect. Readers of The Word soon divided into two camps:
those who praised Angela's graphic style and bravery; and, those who decried
her frankness as a foolishness that jeopardized the cause of sexual freedom,
as well as other important related issues such as labor reform. Since the
debate was aired in a forum controlled by and sympathetic to the Heywoods
-- namely, The Word -- the defenders of Angela were the loudest
and most eloquent voices. One of them was J.H. Swain who believed that
society's prudishness was a veil drawn across the sexual abuse of working
girls at the hands of 'respectable' men. He wrote:
"Mrs. Heywood...has had an experience that probably not one
of her critics know aught of. How the working girl is defrauded; how her
honor is assailed; how she is tempted, and if she yields how her virtue
is bought with that which is her rightful due, product of her toil....
Of the gentle men and women upstairs that her class served, some were ignorant,
others indifferent,-- to all it was distasteful, shocking to even think
about such a subject....The working girl already overworked could do not
more; she [Angela] must at least save them and the innocent children....
She would begin by stating the case: even this was no easy task."
Another admirer, the anarchist Dyer D. Lum, was inspired to write a poem
to immortalize the term that Angela used when she referred to marriage
-- that is, 'The Penis Trust.'
To Angela President of the Penis Trust
Of all the Trusts that men have framed
From yellow gold
To charld dust
Within the fold
Of legal 'must,'
There is no older can be named
Than licensed Love--the Penis Trust.
The rampant bull, salacious goat,
And rooting boar,
In passion's gust
Like many more,
Get rid of rust
Without a Comstock taking note
To curb their freedom in a Trust!
They, like the farmer moving West
Their flagstaff raise:
'Pike's Peak or Bust!'
Then once more graze
Though Nancies cussed
That they should think their own way best
Than joining in a Diddling Trust!
Though Comstock rave and Nancies wail
In legal lore
Is it more just
Behind the door
Than open lust?
Tho' you thereby escape the jail,
E'en if you're in a Penis Trust!
Whate'eve Miss Nancy morals doubt,
'Tis Nature's freak,
And there's no 'must'
To hide and seek,
Nor term it lust,
Because some priest with shirt without
Has failed to bless your Penis Trust!
Yet, as bluntly and persistently as Angela spoke out, it was Ezra who continued
to bear the brunt of legal persecution. In October 1882, he was again arrested
on obscenity charges and taken to Boston where he was detained briefly.
Then, he was released to await trial. Ezra persistently defended his wife
whom he declared to be a victim of the Comstock law even though she was
spared arrest. He wrote,
"...since she, from platform & in print, has proclaimed
Woman's Natural Right, in all respects to be mistress of her own person,
three men -- Anthony Comstock, Samuel R. Heywood & Joseph Cook have
virulently assailed A.T.H.... In singling her out for assault persecution
is logical; for INSURGENT WOMAN is the rising power destined to put down
sex-knowledge monopolists, male supremacy, imprudent obscenists. The trial
to come one, after March 20th, brings Woman to the front; whatever is its
result, I herald revolt against further effort to manipulate, legislate,
church or court maul women into male subjection; citizens, people, persons,
equals, -- women...."
Others agreed: Angela was as much a target of the law as Ezra through whom
Comstock sought to punish her. Regarding a subsequent arrest and imprisonment
of the editor, the Foote Health Monthly observed, "Sending Mr. Heywood
to the penitentiary a few years was not a fair deal; but the real object
was to punish indirectly Mrs. Heywood for a dreadful speech which she made
in Boston, which the authorities had not the courage to deal directly with
her for. So now it would appear that again the authorities have attempted
to punish Mrs. Heywood who is really the guilty person, by arresting her
Not entirely sympathetic to what it called Angela's 'nasty' tongue,
Foote's Health Monthly had candidly observed in an earlier article,
"If the Vice Society is disposed to proceed against Mrs. Heywood herself
on the charge of insanity, and can make out a good case, perhaps they might
succeed in putting her into the madhouse, but we would pity Comstock...if
she lived to get out."
Such extreme and often contradictory reactions to Angela Heywood makes
any biographer return again and again to the ques tion posed near the beginning
of this essay: who was she?
Perhaps the most interesting portrait of Angela came from the pen of
the individualist anarchist and fellow free love advocate Stephen Pearl
Andrews. He wrote:
"Mr. & Mrs. Heywood are the occupants, under some embarrassments
& encumbrance, of one called Mountain Home, which was in prosperous
operation under their management, until its success was much disturbed
by the scare of Mr. Heywood's repeated arrests; since the first of these
its fortunes have varied. Their house has been confessedly a model institution.
Mrs. Heywood is the model housekeeper and manager, even among a group of
women distinguished in the same way. They are about the most industrious
couple I ever knew, laborious & devoted to the last degree. Unfortunately,
however, for their worldly success, they have ideas, convictions and purposes
outside the ordinary routine. They were both reared in the outspoken, audacious
school of the radical Abolitions; when they grew to have new views with
regard to the sex question & the rearing of children, they carried
their Abolitionistic boldness of speech into that subject....
To Andrews, Ezra would have been a familiar figure, not only personally
but as a 'type.' He would have encountered Ezra's stern and prim New England
nature at countless labor reform and free love meetings. Angela's nature
was more unique. Andrews commented,
"Mrs. Heywood is a far more difficult character to analyze
[than Ezra]... To some extent I think I do understand her... "This revolt
against the literary and 'cultured' classes was inherited by Mrs. Heywood
and intensified and extended to other wrongs by her experience as a shop
girl. Also deprived of the opportunity of a literary education adequate
to the classic expression of the thoughts with which her observant and
active brain was teeming, she was noted & marked as a distinctive and
representative girl, well known in the old antislavery ranks, courted and
sought for, for her bright, original, daring manifestations of genius,
in certain aristocratic quarters, where, however, her whole soul revolted
against the superciliousness and pretension of superiority by the rich
and 'cultured' over the skilled workers, who knew more, it might be, in
a day, of real useful knowledge, than they would know in a life-time. Harassed,
insulted, worried,--not so much on her own account as on behalf of the
class she represents, her whole life settled down into a devoted championship,
first of the skilled labor class as a whole; secondly, of the women, especially
of that class; finally, & especially, of the working-girl. Being herself
of that class, not of the grim order, but lively, jovial & entertaining,
she could venture on saying what she thought with the most unconventional
audacity; her bold denunciations of the snobbery around her only served
to increase her attractiveness and power within the two circles of life
which she served, in a manner, to connect. But she always identified herself
absolutely with the working-girls, & refused to be accepted among the
wealthy on any other terms. Under the circumstances of her life, with her
quick observation & dead-in-earnestness of her character, notwithstand
ing the laugh on her lips, she could not fail to see that society was composed
of two worlds, in another sense. She & others of her order were constantly
approached & tempted or insulted by men of the so-called superior classes,
whose private language and lives, as she came to know them, were utterly
corrupt, but who were delicate and refined to the last degree in their
public manifestations... She found that this organized hypocrisy was as
characteristic of the women of society as of the men. Her natural and inherited
revolt against a pretended sanctity, propriety & culture on the part
of the polished hypocrites, men and women, thus urged to its utmost, has
culminated in her determination that folks shall hear openly talked about
what in secret they dwell on as the staple of their lives; that the hypocrisy
shall be exposed; that the inflated pretense of virtue which does not exist
shall be punctured and collapsed. This at least seems to be part, but not
the whole, of the rationale of Mrs. Heywood's peculiar use of the
English language."
Andrews went on to say that her marriage to Ezra undoubtedly had confirmed
her in a radical course, as had Comstock's dogged persecution of the couple.
Andrews continued,
"She is...utterly destitute of the sense of fear. She laughs
and rollicks over what seems to the on-looker the edge of a fearful precipice.
She would sooner see her beautiful home ruthlessly sacked, her children
scattered, herself driven, as a drudge, into somebody's else [sic] kitchen,
than she would back down an inch from her full claim to the right to say
her full thought in her own words. Louise Michel is no more heroic than
she is. She is vexed & annoyed to the last degree that it is Mr. H.
who is attacked and not herself...He and she are far more comrades in a
common cause, where he annoys her by being in the front, than they are
the ordinary husband & wife. She threatens that if he gets in prison
this time, she will never so much as visit him there, as she will not have
it understood that she is a mere wife, following the fate of her husband,
instead of a free individual fighting her own battles. It is not all, however,
that she courts or even believes in martyrdom, but simply that she is willing
to take the consequences of her own acts. Folks must not mistake Mrs. Heywood
for any weakling; womanly ladylike, prepossessing and eminently domestic,
she is yet hard as a flint when her rights, or the rights of those whom
she represents, are invaded...She provides elegant parlor accommodations
for her boarders, for the reformers, for other lady visitors, yet keeps
herself secluded in the basement, doing more work than three ordinary women,
and training her children in the most laborious, painstaking, housewifely
artistic way. At the same time, her children excel all the children in
town in learning, in demeanor, and in a certain reserved and distinguished
bearing. They are welcome guests at all the neighboring houses, but seldom
go. Mrs. Heywood herself is far less excluded from the society of the ladies
of Princeton...She is a riddle to them. They cite her beautiful household,
her children at the head in the schools and public exhibitions, their deportment,
the chasteness & elegance of their dress, &c; some of them have
the logic to quote the old book, that 'we do not gather grapes from thorns
nor figs from thistles,' and to conclude that Mrs. Heywood can be no other,
after all, than a very good women. Still she says such awful things; she
is understood frankly and openly to teach her children all about those
process of nature which other parents conceal and religiously lie about."
Andrews concluded that Ezra was better liked by neighbors than Angela with,
"...the people, especially the women, strongly inclining to lay all the
blame on Mrs. H., against whom, notwithstanding the favorable points, there
is as yet a strong current of condemnation..."
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