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Male-Bashing and a Foreboding of the Future
August 12, 2003
by Carey Roberts

When persons call for the decimation of half the world's population, that grabs my attention. This is what I'm talking about:

"The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race." -- Sally Miller Gearhart, in The Future--If There Is One--Is Female

"If life is to survive on this planet, there must be a decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accompanied by an evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the population of males." -- Mary Daly, former Professor at Boston College, 2001

These proposals are disturbing in their own right. What is even more troubling is that no feminist has ever repudiated them.

When feminists call for global "decontamination" by phasing-out men, I can't help but think of the lies and accusations leveled against the Jews in Nazi Germany, and the similarities to contemporary gender feminism:

  1. Biological superiority: The National Socialists preached the genetic superiority of the Aryan race. Now, a feminist-oriented World Health Organization website claims that women enjoy an "inherent biological advantage."
  2. Sub-human: In the 1930s, the Jews were called vermin and "Judensau" (Jew-pig). Thirty years later, feminists referred to men as "male chauvinist pigs."
  3. Conspiracy theory: The Jews were often accused of "working together" to pollute German culture. Now, feminists refer to the so-called conspiracy against women as "the patriarchy."
  4. Excessive influence: Seventy years ago, Jews were accused of controlling the German economy. Now, men are accused of "having all the power."
  5. Threat to the greater welfare: The Jews were blacklisted as toxic to German culture. In the present era, Gloria Steinem writes, "The most dangerous situation for a woman is....a husband or lover in the isolation of their own home."
  6. Faulty science: Just as Hitler's propagandists once dismissed Albert Einstein's discoveries as "Jewish physics," feminist scholars now ridicule male scientific breakthroughs as the product of "linear" and "hierarchical" thinking.
  7. Spread of a dread disease: In Nazi Germany, Jews were falsely accused of spreading of untreatable syphilis. Now, UNICEF director Carol Belamy unfairly blames men for the spread of AIDS in Africa.
  8. Sexual contact: Hitler was obsessed with keeping Jewish men from "defiling" the racial purity of Aryan women. Now, according to Catherine McKinnon, "In a patriarchal society all heterosexual intercourse is rape."

But the most fascinating parallel between Germany in the 1930s and the current era lies in the conscious use of deception to sway public opinion.

In her brilliant exposé, Who Stole Feminism?, Christina Hoff Sommers documents the many fabrications of gender feminism. Indeed, the entire ideological foundation of feminism rests on what columnist Wendy McElroy calls the "Great Lie" -- the wrong-headed notion that women are the eternal victims of male-dominated culture.

The feminist Great Lie echoes the infamous passage from Mein Kampf that says, "The size of the lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed....The primitive simplicity of their minds renders them a more easy prey to a big lie than a small one."

The effect of the Nazi accusations was to convince the German public and the world at large that Jews were not part of humanity, and thus not deserving of fundamental human rights.

Once the dehumanization and demoralization of the Jews was complete, the stage was set for the horrors that were to commence in 1939.

So what does the future hold for the male species?

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