State Aid to Science
September 23, 2003
by Gertrude Kelly
The following
essay was read before the Alumnae Association of the Woman's Medical
College of the New York Infirmary, June 1, 1887.
If what I say to you today should seem to you out of place, you must
blame the chairman of your executive committee and not me; for, when
she asked me to contribute something for this meeting, she assured
me that anything which affected the relation of medical women to
society, anything which related to the advancement of science, was a
proper subject of discussion at the annual meeting of the Alumnae
Herbert Spencer closes the second volume of his "Principles of Sociology" with
these words:
The acceptance which guides conduct will always be of such theories,
no matter how logically indefensible, as are consistent with the
average modes of action, public and private. All that can be done, by
diffusing a doctrine much in advance of the time, is to facilitate the
action of forces tending to cause advance. The forces themselves can
be but in small degrees increased, but something may be done by
preventing misdirection of them. Of the sentiment at any time enlisted
on behalf of a higher social state there is always some (and at the
present time a great deal) which, having the broad, vague form of
sympathy with the masses, spends itself in efforts for their relief by
multiplication of political agencies of one or other kind. Led by the
hope of immediate beneficial results, those swayed by this sympathy
are unconscious that they are helping further to elaborate a social
organization at variance with that required for a higher form of social
life, and are by so doing increasing the obstacles to attainment of that
higher form. On a portion of such the foregoing chapters may have
some effect by leading them to consider whether the arrangements
they are advocating involve increase of that public regulation characterizing
the militant type, or whether they tend to produce that
greater individuality and more extended voluntary cooperation characterizing
the industrial type. To deter here and there one from doing
mischief by imprudent zeal is the chief proximate effect to be hoped
In these times of ours, when all classes in society, from the Bowery
Socialists to the highest professors of science, seem to vie with one
another in demanding State interference, State protection, and State
regulation, when the ideal State to the workingman is that proposed
by the authoritarian Marx, or the scarcely less authoritarian George,
and the ideal State to the scientist is the Germany of today, where the
scientists are under the govemment's special protection, it would seem
idle to hope that the voices of those who prize liberty above an things,
who would fain call attention to the false direction in which it is desired
to make the world move, should be other than "voices crying in the
wilderness." But, nevertheless, it is not by accident that we who hold
the ideas that what is necessary to progress is not the increase, but the
decrease, of governmental interference have come to be possessed of
these ideas. We, too, are "heirs of all the ages," and it is our duty to
that society of which we form a part to give our reasons for the "faith
that is in us."
My endeavor today will be to prove to you two propositions: first,
that progress in medical or any other science is lessened, and ultimately
destroyed, by State interference; and, secondly, that even if, through
State aid, progress in science could be promoted, the promotion would
be at too great an expense, at the expense of the best interests of the
race. That I shall succeed in convincing you of the truth of these
propositions is too much to hope for, but at least I shall cause you to
re-examine the grounds for the contrary opinions that you entertain,
and for this you should thank me, as it is always important that the
position of devil's advocate should be well filled.
It seems strange that it should become necessary to urge upon Americans,
with their country's traditions, that the first condition necessary
to mental and moral growth is freedom. It seems strange in these
times, - when all the unconscious movements of society are towards
the diminution of restraint, whether it be that of men over women, of
parents and teachers over children, of keepers over criminals and the
insane; when it is being unconsciously felt and acted upon, on all sides,
that responsibility is the parent of morality, - that all the conscious
efforts of individuals and groups should be towards the increase of
A knowledge of the fact that all the ideas prevalent at a given time
in a given society must have a certain congruity should make us very
careful in accepting ideas, especially as regards politics, from such a
despotic country as Germany, instead of receiving them with open
arms as containing all the wisdom in the world, which now seems to
be the fashion. As Spencer pointed out some time since, the reformers
of Germany, while seeking a destruction of the old order, are really but
rebuilding the old machine under a new name. They are so accustomed
to seeing every thing done by the State that they can form no conception
of its being done in any other way. All they propose is a State in which
the people (that is, a majority of the people) shall hold the places now
held by the usurping few. That English-speaking workmen should seek
to wholly replace themselves under the yoke of a tyranny from which
they have taken ages to partially escape, is only to be explained by the
vagueness of the forms in which this paradise is usually pictured, and
by that lack of power of bringing before the mind's eye word-painted
Again, in Germany - and it is that with which we are more nearly
concerned today - it is said that scientific men under the protection of
the government do better work than other men who are not under the
protection of their governments. That this apparently flourishing condition
of science under the patronage of the German government is no
more real than was the condition of literature under Louis XIV., and
that it cannot continue, I think a little examination will enable us to
see. As Leslie Stephen has demonstrated, to suppress one truth is to
suppress alltruth, for truth is a coherent whole. You may by force
suppress a falsehood, and prevent its ever again rising to the surface;
but, when you attempt to suppress a truth, you can only do so by
suppressing all truth, for, with investigation untrammelled, some one
else is bound in time to come to the same point again. Do you think
that a country, one of whose most distinguished professors, Virchow,
is afraid of giving voice to the doctrine of evolution, because he sees
that it inevitably leads to Socialism (and Socialism the government has
decided is wrong, and must be crushed out), is in the way of long
maintaining its supremacy as a scientific light, when the question which
its scientific men are called upon to decide is not what is true, but what
the government will allow to be said? I say nothing for or against the
doctrine of evolution; I say nothing for or against its leading to Socialism;
but I do say that the society whose scientific men owe devotion,
not to truth, but to the Hohenzollerns, is not in a progressive state. As
Buckle has shown, the patronage of Louis XIV. killed French literature.
Not a single man rose to European fame under his patronage, and
those whose fame was the cause of their obtaining the monarch's favor
sank under its baneful influence to mere mediocrity.
It seems to be generally forgotten by those who favor State aid to
science that aid so given is not and cannot be aid to science, but to
particular doctrines or dogmas, and that, where this aid is given, it
requires almost a revolution to introduce a new idea. With the ordinary
conservatism of mankind, every new idea which comes forward meets
with sufficient questioning as to its truth, utility, etc.; but, when we
have added to this natural conservatism, which is sufficient to protect
society against the introduction of new error, the whole force of an
army of paid officials whose interest it is to resist any idea which would
deprive, or tend to deprive, them of their salaries, you will readily see
that, of the two forces which tend to keep society in equilibrium, the
conservative and the progressive, the conservative will be very much
strengthened at the expense of the progressive, and that the society is
doomed to decay. Of the tendency which State-aided institutions have
shown up to the present to resist progress, excellent evidence is fur-
nished by one, at least, of those very men, Huxley, who now clamors
so loudly for State aid to science. When we consider that we have now
reached but the very outposts of science; that all our energies are
required for storming its citadel; that human nature, if placed in the
same conditions, is apt to be very much the same; that those persons
who have the power and the positions will endeavor to maintain them,-
do you think it wise to put into the hands of any set of men the power
of staying our onward movements? That which we feel pretty sure of
being true today may contain, and in all probability does contain, a
great deal of error, and it is our duty to truth to cultivate the spirit
which questions all things, which spirit would be destroyed by our
having high-priests of science. Hear Huxley in testimony thereof in his
article on the "Scientific Aspects of Positivism":
All the great steps in the advancement of science have been made
just by those men who have not hesitated to doubt the "principles
established in the science by competent persons," and the great teaching
of science, the great use of it as an instrument of mental discipline,
is its constant inculcation of the maxim that the sole ground on which
any statement has a right to be believed is the impossibility of refuting
Is the State, then, to reward all those who oppose a statement as well
as all those who support it, or is it only to reward certain of the
questioners, and, if so, which, and who is to decidee what statements
have not been refuted? Are some persons to be aided in bringing their
opinions, with their reasons for holding them, before the world, and
others to be denied this priviliege? Are the scientific men to be placed
in power so different in nature from all those who have preceded them
that they will be willing to cede the places and the salaries to those
who show more reason than they? Here is Huxley's testimony in regard
to the manner in which the State-aided classical schools promoted the
introduction of physical science into those schools:
From the time that the first suggestion to introduce physical science
was timidly whispered until now, the advocates of scientific education
have met with opposition of two kinds. On the one hand they have
been pooh-poohed by the men of business, who pride themselves on
being the representatives of practicality; while on the other hand they
have been excommunicated by the classical scholars, in their capacity
of Levites in charge of the arts of culture and monopolists of liberal
education, - Science and Culture.
And again, the State, or the State-aided institutions have never been
able, even with the most Chinese system of civil-service examinations,
to sift the worthy from the unworthy with half the efficiency which
private individuals or corporations have done. But let us hear Huxley
upon this subject:
Great schemes for the endowment of research have been proposed.
It has been suggested that laboratories for all branches of physical
science, provided with every apparatus needed by the investigator,
shall be established by the State; and shall be accessible under due
conditions and regulations to all properly qualified persons. I see no
objection to the principle of such a proposal. If it be legitimate to
spend great sums of money upon public collections of painting and
sculpture, in aid of the man of letters, or the artist, or for the mere
sake of affording pleasure to the general public, I apprehend that it
cannot be illegitimate to do as much for the promotion of scientific
investigation. To take the lowest ground as a mere investment of
money the latter is likely to be much more immediately profitable. To
my mind the difficulty in the way of such a scheme is not theoretical,
but practical. Given the laboratories, how are the investigators to be
maintained? What career is open to those who have been encouraged
to leave bread-winning pursuits? If they are to be provided for by
endowment, we come back to the College Fellowship System, the
results of which for literature have not been so brilliant that one would
wish to see it extended to science, unless some much better securities
than at present exist can be taken that it will foster real work. You
know that among the bees it depends upon the kind of a cell in which
the egg is deposited, and the quantity and quality of food which is
supplied to the grub, whether it shall turn out a busy little worker or
a big idle queen. And in the human hive the cells of the endowed
larvae are always tending to enlarge, and their food to improve, until
we get queens beautiful to behold, but which gather no honey and
build no court, - Universities, Actual and Ideal.
One of my chief objections to State-aid to anything is that it tends to
develop a great many big idle queens at the expense of the workers.
There is no longer any direct responsibility on the part of those employed
to those who employ them, as there is where private contract enters
into play. In fact, the agents determine how and for what the principals
shall spend their money, and they usually decide in favor of their own
pockets. I cannot furnish you with a better illustration than that supplied
by my own experience. Before I studied medicine I taught school
for a couple of years in an almshouse. The waste there was perfectly
enormous. The officials, when remonstrated with, made answer: "It
was all on the county." The freeholders came once a week, and ate
sumptuous dinners - at the expense of the county. At the close of my
college course it was my good fortune to enter the Infirmary, where I
saw everything ordered with the economy of a private household. No
waste there! Those who furnished the funds were directly interested
in seeing that they were used as economically as possible. I never heard
of the trustees of the Infirmary proposing to have a dinner at the
expense of the Infirmary.
Even were the government perfectly honest, which it is practically
impossible for it ever to be (being divorced from all the conditions
which promote honesty), not bearing the cost, it is always inclined to
make experiments on too large a scale, even when those experiments
are in the right direction. When we bear the expenses ourselves, we
are apt to make our experiments slowly and cautiously, to invest very
little until we see some hope of return (by return I do not mean necessarily
a material return), but when we can draw upon an inexhaustible
treasury - farewell to prudence!
Of course, I do not mean to deny that under any state of society,
until men and women are perfect, there always will be persons who
are inclined to become big idle queens, but what I do object to is that
we ourselves should voluntarily make the conditions which favor the
development of these queens "who gather no honey and build no court. "
Of the tendency of governments to crystallize and fossilize any
institutions or ideas upon which they lay their protecting hands no better
example can be furnished than that of the effect of the English government
on the village communities of India, as reported by Maine ("Village
Communities"). Where the institutions were undergoing a natural
decay, the English government stepped in and, by its official recognition
of them in some quarters, gave them, says Maine, a fixedness
which they never before possessed.
There is another point to which I wish to draw the attention of those
of our brethren who clamor for State aid. Who is to decide what ideas
are to be aided? The majority of the people? or a select few? The majority
of the people have never in any age been the party of progress; and, if
it were put to a popular vote tomorrow as to which should be aided, - Anna
Kingsford in her anti-vivisection crusade, or Mary Putnam Jacobi
in her physiological investigational am perfectly sure that the populace
would decide in favor of Anna Kingsford. Carlyle says:
If, of ten men, nine are fools, which is a common calculation, how
in the name of wonder will you ever get a ballot-box to grind you out
a wisdom from the votes of these ten men?....I tell you a million
blockheads looking authoritatively into one man of what you call
genius, or noble sense, will make nothing but nonsense out of him
and his qualities, and his virtues and defects, if they look till the end
of time.
If, of ten men, nine are believers in the old, I say, how can you in
the name of wonder get a ballot-box to grind you out support of the
new from the votes of these ten men? They will support the old and
established, and the outcome of your aid to science is that you or I,
who may be in favor of the new, and willing to contribute our mite
towards its propagation, are forced by majority rule to give up that
mite to support that which already has only too many supporters. But
perhaps you will say that not the populace, but the select few, are to
decide what scientific investigations are to be rewarded. Which select
few, and how are they to be selected? Of all the minorities which
separate themselves from the current of public opinion, who is to decide
which minority has the truth? And, allowing that it is possible to
determine which minority has the truth on a special occasion, have
you any means by which to prove that this minority will be in favor of
the next new truth? Is there not danger that, having accomplished its
ends, it in turn will become conservative, and wish to prevent further
advance? A priesthood of science would differ in no manner from any
other priesthood the world has yet seen, and the evil effect which such
a priesthood would have upon science no one has more clearly seen or
more clearly demonstrated than Huxley in his "Scientific Aspects of
Positivism." Again, admitting that great men endowed with supreme
power could remain impartial, we still have no evidence on record to
prove that great men are endowed with more than the ordinary share
of common sense, which is so necessary in conducting the ordinary
affairs of life. Indeed, if the gossip of history is to be in any way trusted,
great men have usually obtained less than the ordinary share of this
commodity. Frederick the Great is reported to have said that, if he
wished to ruin one of his provinces, he would hand its government
over to the philosophers. Is it into the hands of a Bacon, who had no
more sense than to expose himself (for the sake of a little experiment
which could have been made just as well without the exposure), a
Newton who ordered the grate to be removed when the fire became
too hot for him, a Clifford, who worked himself to death, that the
direction of the affairs of a people is to be given, with the assurance
that they will be carried on better than now?
Without multiplying evidence further, I think I have given sufficient
to prove to you that there is no means by which State aid can be given
to science, without causing the death of science, that we can make no
patent machine for selecting the worthiest and the wisest; and I now
desire to show you that, even if it were possible to select the worthiest
and the wisest, and to aid none but the deserving, still aid so given
would be immoral, and opposed to the best interests of society at large.
Of course I take it for granted that I am appealing to a civilized
people, who recognize that there are certain rights which we are bound
to respect, and certain duties which we in society owe to one another.
We have passed that stage, or, at least, we do not often wish to acknowledge
to ourselves that we have not passed it, in which "he may take
who has the power, and he may keep who can." Next to the right to
life (and indeed as part of that same right) the most sacred right is the
right to property, the right of each to hold inviolable all that he earns.
Now, to tax a man to support something that he does not wish for is
to invade his right to property, and to that extent to curtail his life, is
to take away from him his power of obtaining what he desires, in order
to supply him with something which he does not desire. If we once
admit that the State, the majority, the minority (be it ever so wise), has
a right to do this in the smallest degree, no limit can be set to its
interference, and we may have every action, aye, every thought, of a
man's arranged for him from on high. Where shall we draw the line as
to how much the State is to spend for him, and how much he is to
spend for himself? Are grown men to be again put into swaddling
clothes? You may say that you desire to increase his happiness, his
knowledge, etc., but I maintain that you have no right to decide what
is happiness or knowledge for him, any more than you have to decide
what religion he must give adherence to. You have no right to take
away a single cent's worth of his property without his consent. Woe
to the nation that would strive to increase knowledge or happiness at
the expense of justice. It will end by not having morality, or happiness,
or knowledge. Do you think that the citizens of a State, who constantly
see their rights violated by that State, who constantly see their property
confiscated without their ever being consulted, are very likely to entertain
a very high respect for their neighbors' rights of property or of
person, do you think that they are very likely to be very moral in any
way, any more than children, whose rights are constantly invaded by
their parents, are likely to show an appreciation of one another's rights?
To suppose that public life may be conducted in one way, and private
life in another, is to ignore all the teaching of history, which shows
that these lives are always interlaced.
The first step in immorality taken, the State having confiscated the
property of its citizens, preventing them from expending it in the way
they desire, to spend it for them in a way they do not desire, ends by
starving their bodies and cramping their minds. Witness the case of
modern Germany. Again the testimony is not mine. I always wish the
advocates of Statism to furnish the evidence that kills them. Some little
time since, - probably our new alumnae will remember the circumstance, - one
of our professors who never wearies of telling us of the
glories of German science, while speaking of the sebaceous horns which
appear on the faces of German peasants, and describing a case which
once came to his clinic, incidentally remarked of this case: "You understand
he had never seen the growth himself, as these peasants have
no looking-glasses." The thought at once occurred to me: "Is this what
Germany gives to its people, to the vast majority of its population, on
whom it lays its enormous burden of taxation?" Is not the advance of
science of great importance to the German peasant who never sees a
looking-glass? Would it be any wonder that in wild rage he should
sometimes seek to destroy this whole German science and culture
which end only by crushing him still farther into the earth? Of what
use is science unless it increase the happiness and the comfort of the
people? Is it a new fetich upon whose altar millions must be sacrificed?
No, the science which would seek to entrench itself upon class-domi-
nation is a false one, and inevitably doomed to perish. Have we, the
outcome of English civilization, determined to lower the standard raised
by Bacon, that the object of the "new philosophy is to increase human
happiness and diminish human suffering"? Are we willing to assist in
dividing the people of this country into two classes, one of which is to
have all the luxuries which science and art can afford, and the other to
have no looking-glasses? Now is the time for us to decide.
How then is science to be advanced, you may inquire, if the majority
cannot decide that which is true, and the select few also cannot decide?
In the way in which up to the present it has been advanced, - by
individuals contributing their small shares; and with ever increasing
force will it advance, as the general culture becomes greater and broader.
It will advance by having no opinion protected from discussion and
agitation, by having the greatest possible freedom of thought, of speech,
and of the press. That the unaided efforts of a people are capable of
causing advance belongs fortunately no longer to the domain of opinion,
but of fact. They have already caused all the progress that has been
made, not only without the aid of the State, but in opposition to the
State and the Church, and all the other conservative and retrogressive
forces in society. They have already, as Spencer says, evolved a language
greater in complexity and beauty than could be conceived of in
any other way. They have, as Whately says, succeeded in supplying
large cities with food with scarcely any apparent waste or friction, while
no government in the world, with all the machinery at its command,
has ever yet succeeded in properly supplying an army.
Yes, freedom, hampered as it has been, has done and is doing all
these things, and all that it is capable of doing in the future none but
the prophets may see.
We have the morning star,
0 foolish people! 0 kings!
With us the day-springs are,
Even all the fresh day-springs.
For us, and with us, all the multitudes of things.
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