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Letters to the editor
November 25, 2003

The issue of Gay marriage is very much in the news after the Massachusetts decision yesterday. I can only imagine the divorce courts and the custody battles if the unions end. Perhaps soon, many more women will understand the need for America to change laws and weed out the gender bias in family court. Perhaps soon, many more women will know how it feels to be a non-custodial parent. We will see how women feel when they are on the receiving side of the unfairness as a non-custodial parent.

As far as the women's groups who are fighting the groups of non-custodial fathers and mothers trying to get gender bias out of the family courts, will they change their mind and realize that children need contact with both parents when both parents are of the same sex? Now, fathers are being pushed out of their children's lives after a divorce. So, who will get custody and child support for the children in a same sex union? The more feminine partner?

Just my thoughts...

Please read the story below...

Mom vs. Mom
Custody battle puts new twist on precedents


Apparently, Stanford University recently put out a research study looking at what barriers exist for women in the corporate world. Here's what they reported: There is no glass ceiling. Women themselves are opting out of the top jobs, for lifestyle reasons or because they don't want the pressure. They blow the whistle, like Sherron Watkins did at Enron, or they just take off. Can't take the pressure? Are you kidding me? Women who make it to the next-to-the-top rung of the ladder, the ones who are even in the position to decide between sticking it out and leaving, have already taken more pressure than most guys can even comprehend. They've smiled at enough gratuitous comments - walked the tightrope between telling the truth and drinking the company Kool-Aid - and slashed their way through enough uncharted territory to write a best-selling novel, or two. The most senior women I know are uniformly tough, articulate, smart, and incredibly flexible - they wouldn't have survived the last twenty years of corporate life any other way. So why do they leave? Because they look at that top spot and say, it's not worth it. There is nothing there that I need, and the cost - to me, to my family, to my relationships - is too high. That's the takeaway I'd love to see from this study. Let's not conclude; There's no glass ceiling, so if women are leaving our organizations, what can we do about it? Oh well - better get back to work. Let's say instead; If the barrier isn't made of glass, but rather some toxic chemical that women won't expose themselves to, let's get rid of it and clean up our act. After all, if something is noxious to women, can it be healthy for anyone?


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