Be Happy - Choose Love
February 18, 2004
by Debbie Gisonni
Have you ever asked yourself, "Why am I here?" This is the question
that has titillated the minds of historians, theologians, and the entire
human race since the beginning of time. Often, we're looking for a very
complicated, deep and mysterious answer, but after we peel away all
the layers of social conditioning, peer pressure, religious dogma and
media standards that we've been exposed to since birth, the answer
becomes quite simple. It's LOVE! We're here to learn to give and
receive love -- unconditionally.
There are many ways to show or feel love in life. For example, in my
home growing up, love was expressed through food. My Italian parents
had a hard time saying the words, "I love you," but I still felt loved (at least
most of the time) in the way I was nurtured and comforted with delicious food.
Even as an adult, when I came back home to visit, my mother always
managed to have my favorite meal ready for me, despite the fact that
she had become disabled. I knew how much effort it took for her to make
that tray of eggplant parmesan, and I truly appreciated and enjoyed every
bite of it!
With the plethora of self-help books and tapes available, we've all
heard the expression: You must first learn to love yourself before
you can love others. While most of us aren't ready to stand naked
in front of a mirror admiring ourselves, it's important to start somewhere
(maybe an earlobe), so that you can begin to love not only your
physical attributes, but everything about you. The way you talk,
act and feel -- imperfections and all. Self-love also means forgiving
yourself for any misdeeds or harmful thoughts.
Once you start the process of loving yourself, you open the door of
reverence to all life -- people, animal, plants, situations, nations, earth.
You choose to replace hate and anger with love, because you know that
harming another (emotionally or physically) is incongruent to life. Even
if someone has harmed you, love allows you to forgive that person.
There are true stories of people who have forgiven their attackers,
sacrificed their life for the safety of another, given when they had
nothing to give, or helped a stranger in need. All of these are acts of
unconditional love.
Your collective thoughts, words, actions and emotions create the
environment in which you live. If you choose love over hate, love is
what you will bring into your life and into the world. You'll feel good
about yourself and others and live a more happier, peaceful and
meaningful life, knowing that love is all there is.
There is no power in the universe greater than the power of love.
Five ways to choose love in your life:
- Find something, no matter how small, to love about yourself
and tell yourself every day. Build this list with time.
- Send loving thoughts to all people or situations you dislike.
- Consider yourself and all human beings to be the children of
God -- perfect in every way, no matter how we outwardly appear to be.
- Vow never to harm another person -- emotionally or physically.
- Extend all of the above to the animal and plant kingdom, and
remember to be thankful for those that you consume.
Copyright © 2004 Debbie Gisonni, All Rights Reserved.
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