The men's rights movement lacks two critical elements
that keep it from taking flight. The first is a lack
of initiative on the part of most people who identify
themselves as being sympathetic to men's rights. The
second is a lack of clear, task-focused direction.
Initiative tends to be fostered by comeraderie.
People tend to want to contribute more when they see
others contributing. Men's rights advocates are
far-flung from one another geographically and thus
likely to feel isolated in their efforts; this takes a
toll on their energy and commitment. A sense of
hopelessness is not an uncommon result of this kind of
The only way to overcome this isolation is to simply
make the effort to break it down. Frequently, getting
with others is necessary to keeping your morale up in
any project. In addition, leaving a meeting with an
agenda that you feel can be followed and successfully
implemented creates enthusiasm and excitement. The
men's rights movement needs these elements in order
for it to get its word out.
The Men's
Rights Congress planned for June 18-19 in
Washington, D.C. is
an attempt to supply this critical need for men's
rights advocates. Separated geographically and
without a coherent, comprehensive plan of action that
is practical and achievable, the men's rights movement
will continue to languish. This languishing is not a
luxury our society can afford.
No doubt that different men's rights advocates and
organizations have different philosophical positions
as well as different issues they feel are of great
importance. If, however, men's rights advocates wait
until most advocates are in agreement about
philosophies and priorities, we will wait forever and
do nothing in a comprehensive, united, and thus more
effective way. Men will continue to lose their civil
and human rights under the pressure of governmental
chivalry and feminism, an ideology whose stated final
goal is to place men uniformly at the service of women
politically, culturally, socially, and morally.
Sadly, over the past 35 years, this inhumane dogma has
succeeded beyond its wildest dreams and now seeks to
consolidate itself. Men have been too-effectively
cast as a means to an end for women rather than as
full, co-equal human beings with their own rights and
interests relative to women. The evidence of this
state of affairs is apparent to most who will read
these words; to those for whom it is not apparent, I
refer them to the many sources that make the case for
men's rights readily available on the Internet and
covered by a number of good books on the topic.
This Men's Rights Congress is a call to cohesion and
to action. Note the Congress is for only two days,
over Father's Day week-end. It is not meant to be a
long, drawn out session of nothing but discussion and
comparison of notes, ending in just a plane- or
car-ride home. It is envisioned as a working,
task-focused planning session from which attendees
will leave with a plan acceptable to the attendees to
implement along with their fellow activists, remotely
cooperating as necessary and in-person, if convenient.
Among other things, the Congress is meant to create
and foster a new set of working relationships among
individuals and organizations centered around
action-oriented plans designed to fight against the
problem of feminism in our society and restore
equilibrium to our governmental and social
The only thing stopping the men's rights cause is the
proponent who seems uninterested in doing much. Too
many of us are doing little or nothing tangible for
our cause. If you're not one of them, please accept
my apologies. But if you are, a great way to count
yourself among those who act rather than merely
observe and comment is to come to the Congress.
In closing, understand that the Congress cannot happen
without you. The Congress planning committee has set
a goal of 50 paid regsitrants by May 1, 2004; failing
to meet this number, the Congress will not be held,
with registration fees and donations returned to the
people who made them. This is not an arbitrary
number; we need to be able to cover the costs
associated with the Congress as well as make it worth
the while of those who attend to have the chance to
network and gain the benefit of being part of a
cooperative process. Simply put, the cause needs your
measurable commitment to attend this Congress in order
for it to happen. If you can't attend, please
consider sending a donation, but frankly, we'd rather
see you there in June.