Be Happy - Choose Diversity
April 21, 2004
by Debbie Gisonni
Americans often take pride in the fact that we have a diverse population
consisting of different races, religions and nationalities. One would assume
an environment such as this would encourage and celebrate the differences
among us. Why then does our multi-cultural society often make us feel
ashamed to be different?
Aside from my looks (olive skin, dark hair), much of my ethnicity growing
up was defined by the food I ate. As a child in grade school, I remember
being singled out and embarrassed by classmates for the lunch my Italian
immigrant mother used to pack for me. Crushed meatballs or pepper and
onion frittata stuffed into a thick hunk of Italian bread gave a whole new
meaning to the brown bag lunch. Once I opened the olive oil stained bag,
the smell of garlic and onions permeated the entire lunch room! Inevitably
someone would ask me, "What is that?" The tone of those three little words
made me yearn for a plain bologna or peanut butter and jelly sandwich on white bread.
Today I appreciate all that sumptuous ethnic food, not only for the taste,
but for the fact that it was the cornerstone of my family's cultural rituals--the
1:00 p.m. Sunday afternoon mandatory pasta meal, the 6:00 a.m. aroma of
garlic and onions simmering in olive oil, the sizzling roast leg of lamb (not turkey!)
on holidays. I now consider myself lucky to have eaten frittata instead of bologna
for lunch, and for being exposed to foods many of my American friends never
had the opportunity to try.
I don't believe America is as much of a melting pot as it is a nation of people
with unique differences--some of which have been borrowed from each other
and assimilated into the American culture. Funny how we are so quick to
demand diversity in everything we consume--from the food we eat to the flowers
we plant to the cars we buy. Yet when it comes to the category of people, we
want everyone to be the same. What an absurd and boring concept! We all come
into this world with our own special qualities--the color of our skin, the food we eat,
sexual preferences, religious beliefs, personality. No one should ever feel left out,
embarrassed, or even worse, killed for being different.
Imagine what your school years might have been like if all the kids accepted
each other's differences. No fights, no bullies, no embarrassment. Now think
of that concept on a broader scale. What would happen if we required the families
of people at war to spend a week living together, learning about each other and
peacefully exchanging cultural rituals, food and conversation? Maybe they would
figure out that they are much more alike than different, because they share the
most common bond there is--that of the human race!
Five ways to choose diversity in your life:
- Take time to learn about and appreciate different cultures through books,
documentaries, magazines, travel, foreign language classes or cooking classes.
- When you meet people who are different from you, welcome them into your
circle, ask them about their culture, and be open to talking about yours.
- Stop judging people immediately after looking at them.
- Stop judging nations of people only by what the news media reports.
- Plan a monthly trip to your nearest big city, even if it's just to walk around.
Copyright © 2004 Debbie Gisonni, All Rights Reserved.
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