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Kerry Embraces the Radical Feminist Agenda
July 28, 2004
by Carey Roberts

White males have been fleeing the Democratic Party over the last 30 years. Four years ago, candidate Al Gore managed to attract only 36% of the huge 45 million white male vote. That depressing trend no doubt weighed on the minds of the delegates who gathered this week in Boston for the Democratic National Convention.

Indeed, earlier this year Democratic pollster Celinda Lake began to spread the word that the Democrats would never retake the White House unless they began to reach out to the critical male vote. But the powerful feminist faction within the Democratic Party was none too happy with that idea.

Liberal John Kerry has closely aligned himself with the feminist cause. So when it became clear that Kerry would be named as the Democratic presidential candidate, Lake gave up on her crusade.

Of course the Democrats have every right to target women. But what is interesting is how the Kerry campaign plans to court the female electorate.

That strategy became apparent on the first day that John Kerry campaigned with his new running mate John Edwards. On July 7, an upbeat Kerry boasted that his team has "better vision, better ideas," and -- get this -- "we've got better hair." Men, of course, have little interest in a candidate's hairdo.

A look at the Kerry website reveals that Kerry believes that women will fall for all manner of obsequious pandering. This is what John Kerry is telling American women:

1. "We need a president who will put the American government and legal system back on the side of women."

The truth is, practically every federal government agency has an office devoted to women's issues. But none -- that's right, none -- has an office designated for men. The Congress and Supreme Court have enacted and upheld countless laws intended to help women, including the Violence Against Women Act, abortion rights, sexual harassment rules, and many others.

2. "John Kerry will increase funding for breast and cervical cancer research."

The American Cancer Society reports that 230,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2004, compared to 216,000 women told they have breast cancer. But at the National Cancer Institute, funding for breast cancer outstrips prostate cancer by more than a 3:1 margin. Mr. Kerry, please help us to understand why any fair-minded woman would want to make that research disparity even worse?

3. "We must ensure that women earn equal pay for equal work."

On average, men work 2,147 hours a year, compared to 1,675 hours for women. Men work in the more hazardous occupations such as construction and mining. And men have more work qualifications than women.

The myth of gender wage discrimination has been debunked by the Women's Freedom Network and the Independent Women's Forum. Anyone who still claims that women are paid unfairly is being intellectually dishonest...or is a die-hard socialist.

American women are arguably the most privileged of any group in history. But the Kerry-Edwards website makes it sound like women are on the verge of being shipped back to their suburban concentration camps: "But today, women are witnessing an unprecedented erosion of their basic rights."

This past Monday, Kerry's strategy to advance the radical feminist agenda was unveiled at a so-called "She Party" (rhymes with Tea Party -- get it?). The featured speaker was the feminists' "secret weapon:" none other than Peggy Kerry, sister of John.

And Peggy didn't beat around the bush. "There are three things my brother is going to do when he's elected president," she promised. John will restore $34 billion in funding for the UN Population Fund for abortion services. Then he will assure the Senate ratifies the Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women. Third, Kerry will "appoint pro-choice judges to the Supreme Court."

There's no doubt that the Democrats' appeal to the massive white male electorate will continue to decline. So the question is, what will American women think of John Kerry's sexy new hairdo?

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