What has become of all the strong women? At the N.O.W. headquarters, all
the girls were wailing in disbelief. At the Feminist Majority,
everyone's mascara had to be redone. And First-Lady-in-waiting Teresa
was left speechless.
The 2004 presidential election was not just a setback for the Democratic
Party. Candidate Kerry repeatedly promised to appoint pro-abortion
judges to the Supreme Court and to eliminate the so-called gender "wage
gap." So Kerry's defeat also represented a repudiation of the rad-fem
Of course, the feminist Mafia tried to put a good face on the debacle.
Ann Lewis, editor of the Democratic party's Women's Vote Center,
consoled the party faithful: "Congratulations for all you did: the
telephone calls, letter writing and contributions, the woman-to-woman
conversations and door-to-door canvasses."
Over at the Planned Parenthood Federation, the ladies were in an
absolute tizzy. Already counting the days until they lose their right to
abortion-on-demand, they vowed to step up the work of its Post-Roe
Service Delivery Task Force. Co-chair Chris Charbonneau advised, "Women
should lobby state legislators to eradicate laws that date from the
1800s and early 1900s and that call abortion murder."
N.O.W. president Kim Gandy issued a
release liberally sprinkled
with bold-face demands: "We must fight back against Bush's regressive
policies on every issue.We must demand our senators block every Supreme
Court nominee."
"Fight back" on "every issue"? What is this, Mrs. Gandy, guerilla
To gauge the mood of the female electorate, a group of women's
organizations called Votes for Women 2004 polled 1,000 voters. The
results were
this past week --
and the news was grim.
Compared to 2000, support for democrat Kerry declined among a broad
range of women: white women, married women, and older women. Even
working women were less likely to vote for Kerry in 2004 than Gore in
2000. So much for all those women being kept down by the Glass Ceiling.
Only 2% of persons said that lesbian and gay rights were on their list
of top concerns. I guess the N.O.W. is going to have to retool its
euphemistically-named campaign for "equal marriage."
But what most rankled the Sisterhood was the finding that only 2% of all
respondents cited abortion as the issue that made them decide whom to
vote for President. And 14% of women actually said the candidates were
too focused on the abortion controversy. In other words, abortion has
become a losing issue.
The poll found that many did not believe that women's issues were
adequately addressed during the campaigns. But now that you mention it,
the poll didn't bother to ask whether the campaigns adequately addressed
the issues of men - I wonder why not.
But it was the analysis of the "gender gap" issue which reveals how the
feminist movement relies on Soviet-style propaganda to advance its
neo-Marxist agenda. The notion of the gender gap has been used for years
to browbeat politicians into passing pro-feminist legislation.
But on November 2, the gender gap reversed itself. That day, 55% of
males voted for the Republicans, while females were almost evenly split
-- 51% favored Kerry and 48% gave the nod to Bush.
Radical feminism survives by churning out an endless series of myths and
falsehoods. So predictably, Feminist Majority president Eleanor Smeal
issued a
release this past week with the misleading headline,
"Gender Gap and Women's Votes Pivotal in Close 2004 Election."
But an honest summary would have said the exact opposite: "Men's Votes
Pivotal in Close 2004 Election."
So now the Sisterhood finds itself on the losing side of its own issues,
is witnessing the widescale erosion of its voting base, and must now
resort to dis-information tactics to staunch the exodus.
Anyone have a hankie?