Health Care: Two Books in Review
December 8, 2004
by Byron Fraser
Beyond the Public-Private Debate : An Examination
of Quality, Access and Cost in the
Systems of Eight Countries
(Vancouver, BC: Western Sky Communications Ltd.,
2001. 66 pages. For printed and bound copies: ph. 604-726-3274/fax:
604-689-1525. Or, to download from the Internet, go to
by Cynthia Ramsay
Mortal Peril : Our Inalienable Right to Health
(Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,
Inc., 1997. 532 pages)
by Richard A. Epstein
Review Essay by Byron Fraser
- Introductory Quotes:
- “…It is frequently assumed that systems that permit
a private sector component - especially for the financing and/or
delivery of acute care - discriminate against lower income
individuals, offering them a lower quality of care or even denying
them any care whatsoever.
This study explores the validity of this assumption….
Contrary to the common belief in Canada, the health index
demonstrates that either a publicly or privately funded health-care
system can deliver timely, quality medical care to all residents.
First place Singapore relies heavily on private sector financing of
health care and puts much responsibility on patients to finance at
least a portion of the costs of their care, while second-place
United Kingdom has a private system that operates alongside the
National Health Service.
well, Canada is not the only country in the world that values
universality. In terms of access to care, all
eight countries have measures that attempt to ensure that their
citizens receive health care when they need it, regardless of their
ability to pay….
The index used in the study is calculated in the same way as the
United Nations Development Index….
has the ‘best’ health-care system, followed by the
United Kingdom, Switzerland, Germany, Australia, Canada, the United
States and South Africa. The recent WHO World
Health Report 2000 - the first attempt by any organization to
rank countries’ health-care system worldwide - yielded similar
- -- Cynthia Ramsay, Beyond the Public-Private Debate,
“Executive Summary,” pp. 4-5.
- “…The
overall social level of production necessarily caps the amount of
benefits that can be provided. The less wealth that is generated,
the less wealth that can be redistributed. The social problem of
coerced giving therefore is not solved simply by getting a stock of
existing goods to persons in need. It also requires a set of rules
to induce their production in the first place. These constraints on
production cannot be ignored simply because discourse describes
health care as a ‘right’ that should be respected
independent of the market. What good is there in creating a set of
positive rights that exceed the ability of any society to provide
them? And what dangers lie in creating a set of positive rights that
reduce the level of goods and services
that are generated?…
- --
Richard A. Epstein, Mortal Peril, p. 44.
- “…A state system on its face purports to guarantee
its recipients the satisfaction of minimum needs. But the illusion
of security that it creates is subject to constraints that even the
state cannot control, for once demands outstrip resources, the
painful process of contraction must take place. The common law
system offers no grandiose guarantees that help will be forthcoming,
but it relies on the decentralized efforts of private groups to fill
the vital function. It is too easy to be misled by the rhetoric of
rights, when the issue is overall levels of performance in the long
run. What reason is there to believe that the current system will be
able to deliver the health care it promises? It is not sufficient to
set the aspirations of the legal system high; it is also necessary
to reach the target. It is just at this level that the current
system is beginning to crumble….
the state coerces the transaction, it must decide, without knowing
quite how, that differences in utility justify the forced transfer
of wealth, even though this coercive transfer reduces
the total amount of available wealth. It is easy to make a moral
case for averting tragedy by talking about the cases of ‘extreme
want’ that everyone recognizes…. Those extreme cases
are surely the easiest for any system of private charity to identify
and correct. It is far more doubtful whether any system of public
coercion can respond to those cases without overshooting the mark
and creating collateral disabilities of its own.”
- --
Richard A. Epstein, Mortal Peril, pp.
40-41 & 48-49.
- “…at no time does the overall resource constraint
disappear because affirmative rights are created. We could declare
generally that each person had a right to an income of $1 million
per year and forget about funding health care by decree in our new
age of abundance. But the massive inflation that comes from having
more dollars chase fewer resources would leave everyone worse off
than before. [Or, in a similar vein, as with numerous underdeveloped
nations’ ‘socialist experiments’, we could
‘guarantee’ everyone 100% free care and absolutely equal
access to all health goods and services, only to discover that 100%
of nothing is still nothing. - B.F.] In an environment with constant
pressure to use expensive and heroic techniques in the treatment of
well-nigh hopeless cases, how do we scale down ambitions to
manageable levels? Not by giving everyone a right to health care on
demand, which imposes intolerable burdens of over-utilization. [The
flip-side of open-ended high maintenance unchecked spending is, of
course, the situation where unthinking and unlimited “free”
access at non-acute levels of care destroys the capital base for -
and leads to life-threatening rationing of - services to those in
the most dire need. This, also, has been a prominent feature of
numerous socialist health care system models in practice. - B.F.]
Health care may well be ‘special’ to some, but even if
it is not rationed by price, it still must be rationed in some other
way. Scarcity and self-interest do not disappear just because market
systems of allocation are rejected.”
- --
Richard A. Epstein, Mortal Peril, pp.
- “Chronic capital shortage is a standing weakness of the
public economy.”
- --Madsen
Pirie, Dismantling The State:The Theory and
Practice of Privatization (1985), p. 62.
- “…[all countries are] facing common challenges to
the sustainability of their health-care systems…. Health care
costs continue to rise, whether a country has a mainly public or
mainly private financing or delivery system. Most governments see
these rising costs as problematic….
…Health-care systems, whether public or private, are
financed on a pay-as-you-go basis, whereby the focus is only on
funding care that is required in the present…. No one is
saving for the future’s elderly and sick. The problem with
this method of funding is that, as the population ages, there will
be less people funding a more costly system…. Such a system
is unsustainable. What needs to happen is for people to start saving
today for health care they need tomorrow - these savings are put
aside for the time being, invested as capital and, therefore,
generate new capital. Only in Singapore is such an approach being
- --
Cynthia Ramsay, Beyond the Public-Private
Debate, pp. 22-23.
- Some wag famously said, “There are statistics, and
statistics, and just damn lies” - and I’ve always
thought that that was a pretty good cautionary note to keep front
and center when approaching the heady world of policy studies.
Empirical datum is virtually never presented without a whole lot of
bias, sins of omission, commission, context-dropping and exclusivist
“reframing”, etc. We all know this. And, nevertheless,
from time to time, there appear very good quality
technical/analytical studies which do exhibit a great deal of
inherent integrity and skill, as well as doing a significant service
by graphically collating, in a succinct fashion, relevant/timely
facts we most need to know. I believe that Cynthia Ramsay’s
work falls into this category. And that is why she is one of the
most respected health economists in Canada.
first came across Cynthia’s work several years ago when I read
her 1998 study on Medical Savings
Accounts:Universal, Accessible, Portable, Comprehensive Health Care
for Canadians shortly after it was published by our local Fraser
Institute. I had read the now “classic”, rather massive
(696 pages) parent-volume which first introduced similar thinking in
a big way to the American health-care scene (-- and actually went a
long way towards revolutionizing their thinking, virtually
overnight), John C. Goodman and Gerald L. Musgrave’s Patient
Power:Solving America's Health Care Crisis (Washington, D.C.:
Cato Institute, 1992) circa 1993 and was anxious to see the Canadian
“translation”. And of course Cynthia’s brief
overview was quickly somewhat eclipsed by Dr. David Gratzer’s
very well-known, more definitive, book-length treatment, Code
Blue:Reviving Canada's Health Care System (1999), but as an
illuminating reader-friendly introduction to the subject, I must say
that I was tremendously impressed with it. The ideas of returning
purchasing power to the patient, while at the same time providing
guaranteed universal catastrophic care coverage and well-capitalized
funding for indigent care (what is covered in Singapore, for
example, by their Medifund provision), and also factoring in
incentives (tax-deductions/exemptions/deferments and negative income
tax or tax credit schemes for poor people) so as to constructively
build a capitalization/savings component looking toward future
needs, all made eminently good sense to me. And the implications for
the mental health field were obvious: what if the phoney
state-monopoly attempted cover-up scam-label “consumer”
actually became a reality and real “sovereignty” were
returned to individuals and their mental health care choices
vis-à-vis “alternatives”? What if you put the
money arbitrarily “taken” from them back into their
pockets in a meaningful way, allowing them to demonstrate their real
preferences with dollars they truly controlled - while, at the same
time, facilitating easily specified advance directive stipulations
re treatment options in their health insurance policies? Is there
any way in hell, in other words, any fully informed real
"consumer" with real purchasing power would
choose neuroleptic drugs or ECT and so on? Every honest ex-mental
patient knows the answer to this one: you’d have to be right
out of your ever-lovin’ mind!
any case, I should also say, right off the top, that as a
libertarian, I cannot sanction the coercion entailed in such
nominally private but heavily state-regulated schemes as “The
Singapore Model” so widely touted by Friedmanite
conservatives, et. al. As critics from both the Left and the Right
(e.g. “Austrian School” economists) have correctly
pointed out, this is a varient of political-economic “fascism”,
in the precise historical/ideological - and not merely
rhetorical/sloganeering or pejorative - sense of the term. The clear
operative distinction between fascism/national socialism and
outright socialism/communism is that, under the former, some
private property and market mechanisms are allowed - but with strict
and all-pervasive state intervention through regulation -
whereas, under the latter, there is complete state ownership of all
property plus similar extensive regulation1. “Fascism”
was only “Right-Wing” in terms of the Old Left and Old
Politics categories (circa early-to-mid 20th Century) and
is, properly speaking, a varient of socialism and conservative
statism (which, historically, are very intimately linked and today,
for all intents and purposes, amount to the same thing2).
The really “Radical Right”, in both its classical
liberal and modern-day “market
liberalism”/libertarian-anarchist forms, has ever and always
been opposed to conservatism/fascism/socialism/communism which are
simply viewed as, essentially, “of a piece” on a similar
end of the Right/Left spectrum. The fact that Old Left ideologues
desperately tried to keep the “total dialectic” confined
to the advantageous (to them) categories/terms of right-wing
socialists (fascists) versus left-wing socialists
(communists/Marxists) for many years, confused a lot of political
ideology neophytes for quite some time -- and the residual effects
of this still requires us to make such a preliminary distinction for
purposes of “on the same page” intelligible discourse -
however these are the current accurate realpolitik
categorical basics.
return to Ms. Ramsay’s Medical Savings
Accounts study, though, I thought that, while far from my
“perfect” ideal, it certainly was a magnificent
breakthrough “step in the right direction” in terms of
facilitating a practicable transition-phase program that was
“real-world” politically feasible. Ditto for her more
recent study, Beyond the Public-Private Debate. And what I
see her doing here - again, in a very concise, easily
readable/digestible form (though there are some minor obtuse
technical sections which can be profitably skipped over by
non-specialists, without losing her drift) - is creatively expanding
the bounds of what is permissibly thinkable/doable in the health
care field. Let’s face it, we’ve all been inundated with
national socialist clichés on this subject for umpteen years,
even told that a socialist monopoly in this area was somehow part of
our Collective “Identity” (needless to say, also having
the added “virtue” of making US inherently distinct from
- and morally superior to THEM damn “Ugly [‘compassionless’]
Americans” [why are chauvinism/jingoism/collectivist-thinking
slanders/ ruled totally “out of court” for any
references to race/gender/cultural diversity but still considered
totally O.K. for trying to muster support for this last bastion of
the 20th century socialist movement’s legacy?]) -
which I’m sure was true for the numerous Public Employee
self-proclaimed “socialists” who found that de
rigueur line conveniently self-serving while making out like
(legislatively privileged) bandits with the requisite “social
concern” cover for doggedly amassing as much personal private
property (“Marx” bless them!) as their “public
choice” demands on the system would bear - but which, for the
rest of us, has all become just so much tiresome cant. We’ve
seen through “the veil” and we know it’s time for
some fresh thought and alternative solution-focus.
Cynthia expands our horizons here by giving us these comparative
systems synopses which really go a long way towards shaking up
erstwhile commonplace presumptions and expectations traditionally
held on both “the Left” and “the Right.” I
personally like this approach, too, because I’ve often found
that what has log-jammed progress more than anything else in similar
areas of ideological debate has been mainly ostensibly “opposed”
factions not seeing any way to “move ahead” simply
because of stultifying old-thought categories which will not admit
of any broader frame of reference which can incorporate, perhaps
slightly modified, the essential validity and/or worthwhile
contributions of the “contradictory” point-of-view -
thus putting an end to the “at cross-purposes” missing
the point (or same goal-realization identity). For instance,
consider the basic socialist insight: private
(legislated/mercantilist) monopolies are bad and unjustly deprive
(“exploit”) workers of their due property right by
virtue of their labour’s “true value”. However, if
workers were to risk pool their assets, in imitation of the very
successful market innovation of capitalist insurance companies,
multiple “social benefits” would accrue to individual
members and, moreover, with ONE BIG MONOPOLY - or all the private
means of production confiscated by “their” State - and
no private property, there would be redistributive abundance and
“economies of scale” that competitive markets couldn’t
achieve. Sounds good on paper. And most people who were originally
sold on socialism bought it because it looked like it would profit
them personally more than anything else being offered - that is, it
seemed to make the most rational appeal to selfishness or
self-interest. More than this, it wasn’t all that
far wrong - however, there proved to be several extremely large
devils in the details. Namely: 1) “economies of scale”
due to firm “bigness” only obtain in non-monopoly truly
free (from corporate entities propped up and given an exclusivist
share by government “barriers to entry” legislation
[which, by definition, is what a monopoly is]) markets where there
are genuine incentives to economize, 2) with even the minimal
private property right to their mutually consented to value-price in
their labour-product gone (“communized”) under socialist
regimes, workers were far more devastatingly “exploited”
(with no recourse to even strike or unionize in any meaningful sense
- de facto and de jure serfs and slaves, in other
words, for the most part) under Total Statism than they ever were
under market conditions, and 3) because of the elimination of the
efficient market mechanism for non-arbitrary (State-“planned”)
allocation of resources via a free price system reflecting aggregate
cardinal utility - or pertinent information about actual
supply/demand/scarcity - and, therefore, any possibility of rational
calculation ( -- i.e., the far greater levels of realistic
planning and co-ordination routinely achieved in the marketplace -
specifically by not engaging in some merely ordinal numerical
computation), the indispensable basis for capitalization over time
was completely destroyed3, with the result that 4) the
cumulative effect of the aforementioned State-exploitation of the
workers through not only scamming off a far greater percentage of
their labour-product, but also squandering/mismanaging/dissipating
that product, was the anti-“social” reality of
less total “benefits” for distribution or, in
economic terms, a net “deadweight loss” situation.
Witness the history of State Socialism.
will hopefully excuse me this digression but, to return to the
central point, we can see how it is constructive to grant that “the
other side’s” end-goals and motives are probably not so
different from one’s own. Moreover, it takes a genuine
“reaching out” attempt to fully appreciate others’
points-of-view, to conceptually master their specific terms of
reference, and thereby (hopefully) to transcend rigidified and
divisive ideological/semantic obstacles which really need to be
slashed through. This I see her doing by graphically demonstrating
that it is far from a foregone conclusion that any monolithic
no-choice-but-socialism worldview must rule this field of service
provision. That is the presumption that
has been dominant to date - but as she ably shows, it is assailable
right across-the-board, not only on the brute empirical evidence
ready-to-hand, but also according to the best modern economic theory
which can be applied to the raw data. There are choices, options,
funding alternatives - in other words - which can and do embrace the
best features of private property rights and voluntary
contractualism (“the marketplace”), as a proven great
problem-solver - with the concrete realization of essentially
“traditional socialist goals” (e.g., universality [in
one form or another], virtually equal access/distribution, and
maximal quality care - for all). In fact it is now more than
evident that only the increasing adoption of market-oriented
solutions is likely to save or “rescue” these
original socialist ambitions which have fallen prey to all-pervasive
problems of “government (or State-managed) failure”. So
a more accurate title for Cynthia’s study might have been:
“Beyond the stage the Public-Private debate has been
at” - which, in truth, has been for decades, essentially:
“nowhere”; we’ve been living in a one-sided vacuum
of no debate, for all intents and purposes. And we’re
now seeing the first halting, but sure, steps towards that impasse
being breached.
As to the specifics of her study, there are only 3 major
subject-heading areas of focus: “Comparative Health Systems",
“The Determinants of Health”, and “Ranking Health
Systems”. The brief historical overviews and capsule summaries
of relevant legislation and systemic mechanisms in place under the
first are excellent “neat” glimpses of the bigger
international picture. Not too many surprises for me personally here
but I suppose there are still many Canadians who aren’t yet
aware that the United States has not had a “private”
system for many, many years now (close to half of all health-care
spending is “public sector”) and nor, in spite of the
fact that 16% of the population is uninsured - and the persistent
mythology, together with occasional anecdotal evidence supporting
it, which we tend to harbour - are persons routinely turned away
from hospitals when in need:
uninsured in the United States does not mean that a person will not
receive medical care if they require it. By law, neither public nor
private hospitals are permitted to refuse treatment to an indigent
patient. [This has been “officially” the case since
1986, however, was widespread de facto
practice for many years previous with most hospitals routinely
voluntarily setting aside approximately 10% of their annual budgets
to deal with indigent care. - B.F.]” ( -- p. 13)
Otherwise, the many different public/private “mixed-medleys”
are ably elucidated with highlights, again, on how many governments
are looking to the private sector to relieve the burdens and reduce
pressure on public hospitals and public budgets thus freeing up and
maintaining an ongoing capitalization base consistent with
most noteworthy finding under “The Determinants of Health”
section was what Cynthia refers to as “The apparent
disconnection between health-system factors and health status…
reflected throughout…”. Canada, for instance, (many of
our readers will be happy to know), actually ranks first
in terms of overall per capita “health status” - which
is an indicator independent of how our health-system ranks vis-à-vis
those of other countries on the broad spectrum of total other
variables. As well, “The strongest relationships with health
status seem to be with the socioeconomic, rather than health-system,
determinants of health”. (The implications of this general
finding and its enormous significance when applied in the context of
ongoing mental health care reform are, of course, currently becoming
very well-known and will not be lost on readers of this journal. As
she says:
“…, recent focus has described how
socioeconomic status affects health status. The notable
socioeconomic factors [include]… the availability of housing
and whether people have the social support systems to get then
through a crisis.
…, there is the worry that too broad a scope will only result
in more government and non-governmental agencies being involved in
the promotion of health, and little constructive action that
improves health status. Given a limited number of resources, it is
important for policymakers to be clear in their own minds as to what
problems they are addressing. For example, if the main determinants
of health are socioeconomic, then more public sector attention
should be directed towards improving these factors than to…
elements of the medical system.”)
Concluding, then, on this primer to the health care debate which,
to paraphrase John Paul Jones, we have “not yet begun (to
have)”, I’ll simply say that there are many more
fascinating details and even paradoxical or expectations-challenging
datum awaiting the interested reader therein. Not a bad starting
point, all in all, for those wanting to get a firm handle on current
realities governing the field, in a clear and comprehensive - yet
abbreviated - form.
the sake of the more stout-hearted, however, who are ready to move
beyond “Beyond the (Non-)Debate”,
I have decided to also make mention of Richard Epstein’s
Mortal Peril:Our Inalienable Right to Health Care? The
reputation of economics as “the dismal science” has
probably not so much to do with its technical intricacies being
inherently uninteresting, in my opinion, as it does with the fact
that it often brings home to us many “hard truths” which
we’d rather not hear about or “deal with” - but
actually very much need to, in any case. And Epstein’s book is
a very courageous “next step” treatment which squarely
faces virtually all of the really “hard questions” in
the field of health economics. A very highly regarded legal scholar
in the U.S., Professor Epstein is also one of those polymaths who is
equally conversant in economic theory and has a wide-ranging
multidisciplinary expertise - a fact which is amply reflected in the
versatility of his many other (often quite “controversial”)
published writings. He is also a long-time libertarian, like Yours
Truly, and if modern-day libertarians are “traditional
anarchists who have learned something about economics”, as one
popular saying has it, then Richard certainly “fits the bill”
- and in spades. He also possesses a truly inimitable,
crisp/cogent - and continuously innovative - literary style
(commented on by most reviewers) which makes him a constant delight
to read. This is the guy, too, who’s done all of the relevant,
more complex, concept-mastery homework, so some people find him a
little bit difficult to follow without having to take frequent stops
for checks of the referent-definitional roadmap. (That is to say
that, many people whom I’ve talked to who have read him have
complained about his writing like “Well doesn’t everyone
just know this?” or of having some difficulty keeping up with
the level he thinks at. So “be prepared”.)
any case, I don’t have space here to do more than give the
broad outline of the book and hint at some of its salient features.
I should say, too, that although Prof. Epstein’s immediate
focus is more particularly on the American health care scene, the
broad scope of issues covered - from foundational political
philosophy to economics to law, bioethics and current controversies
- makes it completely relevant and applicable to everything that’s
most topical in Canada right now as well. This is also, in contrast
to Ms. Ramsay’s overview, a very extensive
analytical work: there’s lots of thorough argumentation,
contextual historical background, and detailed relevant references
here (fully 42 pages of “Endnotes” alone, e.g.).
book is divided into two parts: the 1st
consisting of 8 Chapters under the rubric of “Access to Health
Care”, and the 2nd consisting of 12 Chapters
dealing with “Self-Determination and Choice”. Some
sub-section subject-matters covered in the former are “Positive
Rights”, “Demanded [rights to unlimited care on
demand] Care”, “Necessity and Indigent Care”,
“Wealth and Disability”, “Community Rating and
Pre-existing Conditions”, “Medicare”, and
“Clintoncare: The Shipwreck”. And, in the latter, we
find: “Organ Transplantation”, “Alienability and
Its Limitations: Of Surrogacy and Baby-Selling”, “Active
Euthanasia”, “Physician-Assisted Suicide”,
“Abuse”, “Incompetence”, plus 3 Chapters on
Liability Doctrine; its history, efficiency, and the need for reform
(NB: Epstein is something of a specialist in this area, having
written an important book, A Theory of Strict Liability:Toward a
Reformulation of Tort Law [San Francisco: Cato Institute, 1980]
- which, believe it or not, this crazy reviewer read many years ago
- and many published papers on the subject). So you can see already
that there’s no shirking from tackling a whole host of the
“really tough questions” in the field of health care
I say, though, there is no space here to even begin to go into the
substantive answers Prof. Epstein gives to these questions - only to
point the direction to them. One very noteworthy discussion I would
like to comment on, however - which is unmistakably emphasized and
alluded to in my introductory quotes selections, and goes also to
Cynthia’s main point about the need to break through
stultifying conceptual impasses in the Left/Right dialogue - is the
basic philosophical divide, with us for many decades now, often
described in terms of the distinction between the “negative
liberty”/ “freedom from”/individual or common law
rights (Rule of Law)/ tradition, on the one hand, and the “positive
rights”/ “freedom to”/collectivist or
state-“entitlement” rights/ tradition, on the other4.
Can this gap be constructively bridged such that the material
abundance engendered by a free market economy, predicated on
retaining the fundamental justice/integrity of “freedom from”
natural rights to life/liberty/property, can be translated into
completely adequate voluntarist-type “social safety net”
or “minimal (dire needs and comprehensive insurance)
entitlement” sorts of charitably-subsidized contractarian
“freedom to” rights arrangements - without “killing
the Golden Goose”, as it were? That has become the
perennial sixty-four thousand dollar question. And I think the
answer is “yes”5.
we cannot “turn back the clock” to the unsustainable
“government failures” of socialism - which repeatedly
have simply not “delivered the goods” to poor and needy
people. But we need to respect the very valid moral intuitions which
attracted many people to its broad “social”-goals, in
the first place, regardless of what an unmitigated disaster its
means made of all attempts to realize
these in practice. As the good Prof. puts the matter:
“…we possess, and act on, some powerful intuitions in
dealing with health care questions. On matters of health care, side
by side with the market is an extensive network of voluntary
charitable organizations that are, and should be, a part of any
decent society. But the key to the argument lies in the futile
efforts to transform that moral intuition into a legal right.”
(-- p. 31)
it is just here that I want to sound a small note of dissent. While
I fully understand this criticism of State-mandated and open-ended
“positive” legal rights, and all of the very real net
social harms, inequities and injustice attendant to them, my
thought, somewhat along the lines of the noted Canadian philosopher,
Prof. Jan Narveson6, is that might
it not be not only politic but astute to grant the validity of these
“leftist”, so-called, desires for secure insured legal
claims to basic needs (food/shelter/health care, and so on) but -
without violating libertarian (non-aggression against the equal
rights of others) principles - to simply concretize these rights on
a voluntarily subsidized contractarian basis? Something like the
Singapore Model Medifund - and like schemes - could
relatively easily be facilitated and capitalized in perpetuity from
the proceeds of widespread privatization (just “for instance”,
in the Canadian context, it is estimated that the national debt
could be paid off - and social welfare benefits multiplied many
times over - virtually overnight, any time the government chose to
do so by lifting its moratorium on water sales to underdeveloped
nations in need [see especially the findings of the Winnipeg-based
Frontier Centre for Public Policy: www.fcpp.org])
or simply from general revenues and/or charitable tax-deductions,
etc. Then everyone would have the much-desired security of
legal rights for insured basic needs claims, albeit within a
properly judicious and prudent voluntarist “checks-&-
balances” framework. Something to think about!
- Notes:
- 1) See especially on this the “Epilogue” added to
the 1969 edition of the classic study, Socialism:An Economic and
Sociological Analysis (London: Jonathan Cape, 599 pages), by
world-renowned economist, Ludwig von Mises, under the sections on
“Fascism” and “Nazism”, pp. 574-82.
- 2) See further on this -- and especially on the close affinity
between the thought of Marx/Engels and European Conservatism - the
excellent essay by Stephen J. Tonsor: “The Conservative
Origins of Collectivism” in Liberty and the Rule of Rule
(College Station and London: Texas A&M University Press, 1979),
edited by Robert L. Cunningham, pp. 224-41.
- 3) The definitive work on this which drove the last nail through
the coffin of the theoretical corpus of socialist economic thought,
in terms of all recognized serious scholarly work on the subject,
was Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth
(Auburn, AL: Praxeology Press, 1990) by Ludwig von Mises, originally
published in 1920. Of course, it took a good deal longer for the
incarnate body politic “history lesson” of
socialism’s “passing” to reach us with abundant
empirical evidence of what Mises had so clearly deduced and
demonstrated a priori - at a time when few paid his message any
heed. That, thankfully, is no longer the case. (Cardinal as opposed
to ordinal numbers are those containing a subjective value-input
component rather than a merely random order ranking - which does not
constitute useful information [real “utility”] in any
economic sense. Socialists tried to argue for years that, with the
advent of computers, the “knowledge/information” problem
of centralized State-planning without market prices would be solved;
you would just survey everyone’s needs/wants virtually
instantaneously, do the [computerized] math, and them allocate on
that basis. The fallacy operative here, of course, was that the
problem was one of calculation and not “knowledge”.
You could have all the raw data in the world and, without numbers
tied to demonstrated preferences, your decisions based on it are
worthless in terms of economizing, “meaningless” for
efficient [capital building and optimally sustainable] resource use
and planning. This was not a technical/cybernetics glitch in
translating theory to practice as early socialists had
hoped/supposed, but rather an inescapable logical impossibility
which has forever doomed the practicability of their ideological
enterprise - and achievement of its goals - on their own terms.
[See also, for a great summary overview of this controversy as it
played out historically: Economic Calculation in the Socialist
Society (Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Press, 1981) by Trygve
J. B. Hoff.])
- 4) These defining “lines in the sand” which have
essentially demarcated the classical liberal/free market position
off from, or over-&-against, the left-liberal/social democratic
one, for at least the last half-century - and a good deal longer, in
one form or another - are most commonly associated with the seminal
distinctions outlined by Sir Isaiah Berlin in his Two Concepts of
Liberty (Oxford, 1958).
- 5) For some suggestive ideas on not only how this has been
successfully achieved historically but also what can be - and is
being - done right now, along these lines, see especially: The
Tragedy of American Compassion and Renewing American
Compassion (Washington, DC: Regnery Gateway, 1992 & 1996,
respectively) by Marvin Olasky. Also: From Mutual Aid to the
Welfare State - Fraternal Societies and Social Services, 1890-1967
by David Beito.
- 6) See especially his The Libertarian Idea (Philadelphia,
PA: Temple University Press, 1988) and For and Against The State
(1996) for more on contractarian solutions to bridging the “Negative
Liberty” vs. “Positive Rights” dilemma.
- About the Authors:
- Cynthia Ramsay is a Vancouver-based consultant specializing in
health economics. In addition to consulting, Ms. Ramsay is co-owner
and publisher of the Jewish Western Bulletin, BC’s only
Jewish community newspaper. From 1993 to 1998, she was senior health
economist at the Fraser Institute in Vancouver. She authored the
Institute’s study on medical savings accounts for Canada,
co-wrote a study on the use of alternative medicine in Canada,
co-authored numerous editions of the Institute’s annual survey
of hospital waiting lists, Waiting Your Turn, and is
co-editor of the book, Healthy Incentives:Canadian Health Reform
in an International Context (1996). Ms. Ramsay has written
numerous articles that have contributed to the Canadian health-care
debate which have appeared in such outlets as The Medical Post,
The Globe and Mail, and Family Practice. She also
speaks frequently to groups and via radio and television media on
the necessity of health-care reform in Canada.
- Richard
A. Epstein is the James Parker Hall Distinguished Service Professor
of Law at the University of Chicago and an adjunct scholar of the
Cato Institute, Washington, DC. He is the author of Simple
Rules for a Complex World and Takings:Private Property Under
the Power of Eminent Domain, among other books, and a noted
authority on Tort Law.
- (This
review essay was first published in the Spring 2003 edition of In
A Nutshell.)
- NB: Richard Epstein's Mortal Peril is currently
available in the hardcover edition from Laissez-Faire Books
(Toll-Free: 800-326-0996) at the special sale-price of $5.00 U.S.)
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