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For Battered Men their Batterings Never End
February 23, 2005
by Ray Blumhorst

The struggle to bring attention to the plight of battered men, who are abused at the hands of violent females, is not a new topic. The topic as it concerned one man was well documented in a book called, The Inner World of Abraham Lincoln by Michael Burlingame. On p. 277 Burlingame gives a list of some of the violence Abe Lincoln incurred at the hands of Mrs. Lincoln, but there were numerous other pages, detailing the beatings Lincoln endured at the hands of his wife. Some feminists have pointed out that men are big and can defend themselves, but as Lincoln and many other men exemplify, "Gentlemen don't use their physical power against women."

For Lincoln the battering never ended in his lifetime. The domestic violence that Lincoln suffered like that of many men today is an issue that is not generally discussed. Domestic violence has become all the rage, no pun intended, on talk shows, in political circles, in social and church groups, and certainly in gender feminist circles as long as it does not cross the boundary of what's acceptable, and accept men as victims.

In Los Angeles, this past week, a ruling was passed down by the 2nd District Court of Appeal, denying the claim that a man was discriminated against, when he sought services at local area domestic violence shelters. That man was me. The decision clearly sent a message to me, that a man who had his leg knocked out from under him in an act of domestic violence, committed by a woman, didn't have "standing" to sue for shelter services for men. What a strange (and cruel) irony in the use of that word (standing) from the English language. Even more cruel is the continued abuse that abused men must now endure in the wake of this flawed decision of the legal system.

The political climate as we have seen in the rulings of activist judges, has powerful sway in decisions of law. I for one do not underestimate the power of the gender feminist movement to hold powerful political sway in courts, through powerful lobbies in politics and education. The pervasiveness of gender feminist ideology in indoctrination sessions (classrooms) on college campuses is only the tip of the iceberg of the influence that gender feminist dogma, such as that concerning domestic violence, exerts over societal institutions. That gender feminist influence (in my opinion) has clearly metastasized into our court system.

Much more education needs to be done to call attention to the truth about domestic violence. Since the first of the year, a friend and I have given away a number of books to individuals and libraries in an effort to spread the word about information the mainstream domestic violence industry doesn't want you to know. In fact the book addresses, The Twelve Things You Aren't Supposed to Know.

In his book, Thomas B. James, J.D. does a scholarly job of presenting a host of facts that domestic violence industry insiders never speak of. Also, in scholarly fashion, the book is heavily footnoted, and includes a very long bibliography listing the source of each footnote. I'll admit giving away this fine book is a meager effort to get the word out, but every little bit helps, when you're fighting prejudice and ignorance of the type that is being spread by the gender-feminist-ruled domestic violence industry.

As recently as Monday (Valentine's Day) I attended a function of the mainstream domestic violence movement and found speaker after speaker presenting an excoriating, one sided, male vilifying, explanation of the dynamics comprising domestic violence in our society. The entire morning session at the Men's Leadership Forum, put on by the San Diego Domestic Violence Council was devoted to a theme of, "Men Against Violence Against Women."

Women were presented entirely as victims, and men, either as perpetrators, or "criminals waiting to happen." The only bright spot of the day was the Faith Based break out session were several brave souls had the courage to speak up and say, "The negative stereotyping of males must end." Sadly, only about 12 out of more than 200 people, attending the days events, attended that session.

It is a wearisome thing indeed to be a man, especially a young man, living in this society. The steady drone of mind-numbing indoctrination, day after day, pummels the senses with misandrist message after misandrist message, from: our courts, our schools, our military, our civic groups, our churches, and foremost, our domestic violence industry. It is a wearisome thing indeed to be a man, especially for young men, when you consider that for battered men the battering never seems to end in this lifetime.

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