Letter to the Editor: Epiphany of a Patriot
March 9, 2005
I used to be a patriot. I still remember driving to work in a
surreal fog on the morning of 9/11, awash in the emotion and pain of
my recent separation from my ex-wife, ex step-daughter, and daughter.
I was aghast when I heard the radio broadcast relaying that a plane
had hit the WTC, and then further shocked still when the second impact
was reported. I would alternate between extreme sadness for the
victims and rage toward the perpetrators in the days that followed
those heinous events, though the pain I felt I was sharing with the
American community as a whole somehow seemed to offset in some measure
the personal despair I was experiencing as the breakdown of my family
and my life overtook most every fiber of my being. I had moved out of
the family home less than two weeks earlier after my daughter's mother
demanded a divorce, and was already badly missing my little girl.
In the weeks following 9/11 American flags were very hard to come by.
I gave up searching and instead printed an 8.5" x 11" full color flag
I had located on the internet. I taped that flag in the rear window
of my truck with heartfelt pride just days after 9/11 and there it had
been, stoically, proudly, ever since. There were more than a couple
of occasions in the weeks and months of aftermath when I found myself
breaking down into sobbing tears as I drove down the road and deeply
contemplated the orphaned children, dead parents, and countless scores
of lives affected by that savage terrorist-inflicted tragedy. I would
often play Lee Greenwood's 'Proud to be an American' and well up with
pride as I cried tears of righteous nationalism for the victims of the
tragedy and the violated values of American morality and freedom. I
wrote letters to the President urging him not to listen to the
naysayers and in support of his foreign policy decisions.
Historically I've been a news junkie and scholar of world events, even
obsessively, over the years and I was riveted by the intensity of
American nationalism, the prospective clash of civilizations, the
international proliferation of ever-more-devastating weapons, and a
variety of other compelling and newsworthy issues that brought to the
surface my inner feelings of patriotism. After all, this country, our
America, was certainly the bastion of light in a darkening world,
poised to lead the civilized and free across the globe in the pursuit
of the worldwide dissemination of democracy alongside our superior
morality, ethicality, and lofty values. I was a true patriot.
As the months and years passed I would discuss, debate, and even argue
long and hard with family members, friends, acquaintances, and anyone
who would engage me about national security, global warming, radical
Islam, China's economic growth and threat to Taiwan, Russian nuclear
assistance to Iran, and the European/American steel rift. I would
pontificate at length about our need to seal the country's borders,
support the Patriot Act, consider pre-emptive action overseas, and
repeal the death tax. I would weigh into local radio talk shows to
voice my view on how American military action was too politicized and
wasn't being conducted in accordance with the most important
principles of troop protection. I would bristle over the stories on
corruption at the United Nations and how the security council and
member states had undermined the U.S. in the runup to the Iraq
invasion. I watched the Presidential debates with fervor and
conviction, though I considered myself neither a Republican nor a
Democrat. I'd make note on an almost daily basis as to the status of
the legislative battle over judicial nominees, allegations of
Executive Branch corruption as they related to Halliburton, and the
Democratic assertions that the judiciary was being hijacked by John
Ashcroft's religious values on behalf of the right wing of the
country. I would ponder the Republican charges of purposeful
congressional paralysis by the Democrats, the debate over oil drilling
at ANWAR, and the California fiscal crisis. The global migration of
the American labor force and associated adverse implications on the
U.S. economy would cause me much consternation and I would spend
significant amounts of time researching, considering, and engaging in
discourse over the potential ramifications of the outsourcing of
America. There were a plethora of issues I would pay close attention
to, study, and attempt to work through in the privacy of my own
thoughts as well as in the company of others who expressed concern
about such issues. I was a true patriot.
All the while, in the years subsequent to my divorce and unwanted
separation from my daughter, I was being dragged through the family
law system in the state of NH. I don't bring up NH in particular
because it has any significance other than being mine and my
daughter's state of residence. I ended up spending over thirty
thousand dollars in litigation and GAL expenses trying to stay an
integral part of my daughter's life, even as her mother was doing
everything within her power to keep us apart (and continues to engage
in an attempt to alienate my daughter from me to this day). Though I
am one of the fortunate non-custodial parents in the United States who
had the means to fight for access to my daughter, for both of our
sakes, I still had many days where I felt perilously close to the
emotional breaking point as my daughter's mother and her immoral and
unethical attorney used the court system against me wherever and
whenever possible. I was then, and am now, being bled dry to the tune
of over 25% of my income (after taxes), such that I am unable to save
money for my daughter's college. And this is true despite the fact
that I essentially left my ex-wife and her stepdaughter, who had
nothing to their names when I met them 6 years prior to the divorce,
financially set for life. I was fortunate enough to hit it big during
the high tech boom of the late 90s and provided them with a fully
furnished half million dollar home and no mortgage, luxury SUV and no
car payment, fifty thousand dollars in the bank, and not a penny of
debt. My child support now goes toward helping pay for trips to
France and Mexico and ski vacations for my daughter's mother and her
new husband (husband #3), while my 8 year old daughter reports having
to pay for her 3rd grade backpack with her birthday money. The NH
courts refused to grant me a penny of offset for the afterschool
program I have my daughter enrolled in on the days she is with me, nor
for any of her clothes or other necessities at our home together, or
toward any expenses whatsoever incurred at our home for utilities or
anything else. If you are a non-custodial parent you obviously
understand the situation and need no further information as you are
likely living in a similar state of disbelief at how you have been
treated by the blind scales of American family justice.
Point is that with all of the pain I have come to realize has been,
and is being, inflicted on parents and children around this country
under the guise of 'family law' I suddenly decided, during an epiphany
last week, that perhaps my patriotism has been misplaced. Yes....
Yes, it has. What of the high moral ground we stand for as
Americans? What of the better lives we have planned for the children
and families of other 'uncivilized' countries around the world?
Hmmmm... I haven't had the opportunity to pay much attention to the
world or national news over the last two months as I've been focused,
obsessively, instead on doing everything I can to support the effort
toward family law reform in New Hampshire. I've found during that
effort that there are scores of individuals who claim to represent the
always politically correct, but always amorphous, 'best interests of
the children'. These people are mostly attorneys and other divorce
industry insiders, but there are also child advocates, feminists, and
others who directly advocate the continued abrogation of equal
parenting rights through opposition to equal parenting protections for
fit parents. These people seem to think, in their wisdom, that Judges
and Attorneys and GALs (usually another word for Attorneys) are better
suited (while getting paid handsomely) over the course of hours to
decide what is best for American children than those children's fit
parents are, even in those cases of no-fault divorce (or no-fault
separation outside of marriage) where one of the parents is forced
unwillingly into a dissolution of the family unit. And this parent
who is forced unwillingly into said family dissolution is
overwhelmingly the one who these Judges, Attorneys, and GALs decide
shouldn't get to be equal parents to their children... Hmmmm... Try
as I might to ponder the thoughts and rationale of such intelligent,
educated, and self-righteous people I am truly at a loss to come to
grips with their direct contribution to the destruction of the
American family through emphatic support of the status quo, its
massive incentivization of divorce, and the associated uneven hand
dealt non-custodial parents (usually Fathers) by American family
courts. Heck, who can make sense of what our family law system does
to our military heros as they return from the overseas battle for
freedom only to be met by stolen children, outlandish support
arrearages, and nowhere near the justice and freedom they've been
taught they're risking their lives for overseas...?
Yes, I have had a sobering and heartfelt epiphany. Last week, after
three and a half years, I took down that American flag in the back
window of my pickup and boxed it up. I won't be cuing up Lee
Greenwood again any time soon (and will change the station if he comes
on the radio), and I don't much care about Iran's nuclear ambitions,
Syria's support of Iraqi insurgents, China's pinning the Yuan to the
dollar, or France's bad attitude. The Democrats and Republicans can
duke it out on CSPAN or FOX or CNN or wherever and I've little
concern. American labor exodus....? Social Security reform...?
The one and a half billion dollars slated for the preservation of
marriage (forgive me if I don't chuckle)...? Gay marriage...? Who
cares... Not this non-custodial parent. For I have seen the
light. Until family law policy and the associated devastation of the
lives of children, parents, and families in the United States is
reconciled, there is no high moral ground. And I shan't pretend there
is. The soapbox of lofty American values is a weak mirage and
nothing more. The emperor has no clothes. I can't speak for every
NCP, but, this one no longer has a dog in this fight...
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