News Flash - The UN top brass has begun to realize that the American
public is growing tired of the non-stop scandals oozing like putrid
swamp-fill from the world body. Appearing on Fox News Sunday this past
weekend, UN chief of staff Mark Malloch Brown was forced to admit, "In a
very real way, we seem to have lost touch with the great middle in
But Mr. Brown is actually quite fortunate.
Because if Middle Americans knew how radical feminists are working
tirelessly behind the scenes to spread their socialistic views of gender
equality, he would be facing a public relations problem of tsunamic
The Gender Warriors now operate with impunity from three base camps
within the UN bureaucracy:
- Commission
on the Status of Women - This committee orchestrated the
1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. The CSW organized the
10-year progress review of Beijing that concluded this past Friday in
New York City.
- Convention
on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)
- Originally adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1979, this Trojan
Horse treaty now has 179 signatory nations.
- Inter-agency Network
on Women and Gender Equality - This is the group
that rides herd on the countless UN agencies and initiatives designed to
promote women's issues.
Gender feminists are now working to expand their agenda to encompass the
full range of specialized UN agencies. For an eye-opening look at the
bullying tactics they use, pick up a copy of Dale O'Leary's book, The
Gender Agenda.
This is just a partial list of the UN organizations that now specialize
in gender issues:
- UNIFEM, the UN Development Fund for Women: Serves as the bully pulpit
for director Noeleen Heyzer, whose high-voltage rhetoric makes Gloria
Steinem sound like a bow-tie conservative.
- UNICEF: Headed by arch-feminist Carol Bellamy, who succeeded in
proving you can make a renowned organization go bad
in just a few short
- UN Population Fund: Aims to control population growth through the
shameless huckstering of abortion services and forced sterilizations on
women and teenage girls.
- UNAIDS: Shows what happens when
ideology is substituted for
sound science in the fight to stop AIDS.
- World Health Organization: Thanks to former feminist director Gro
Harlem Brundtland, gives top billing to women's health, even though
suffer from shorter lifespans.
Still, the Sisterhood seeks to maximize its body count. Watch for these
upcoming search-and-destroy missions in the coming months:
First the femmes want to gender mainstream the rest of the UN. In case
you hadn't heard, gender mainstreaming is "the process of assessing the
implications for women and men of any planned action, including
legislation, policies, or programs, in all areas and at all levels."
Note the all-encompassing phrases, "any planned action" and "in all
areas and at all levels."
Second, in order to focus its efforts, the UN has established what it
calls Millenium Development
Goals. Out of
the eight Goals, two are specific to women:
- Promote gender equality and empower women
- Improve maternal health
Now the feminists want to "mainstream" the gender perspective to the six
remaining Development Goals. That may happen as early as this coming
September at the MDG Summit.
Third, the rad-fems have designs on the International Criminal Court.
The ICC now claims jurisdiction over a long list of so-called "crimes
against humanity," including forced pregnancy and sexual violence.
"Forced pregnancy" is fem-speak for not providing free abortion
services, and no one has yet to define "sexual violence." But once they
fortify their power base, the Women's
Initiatives for Gender Justice no
doubt will tell us what they have in mind.
In the past, totalitarianism was enforced by the GULAG, goon squads, and
economic reprisals. That was "hard" totalitarianism.
Now we face a new threat, what Italian politician Rocco Buttiglione
likes to call "soft totalitarianism." Buttiglione sees this trend
unfolding at the European Union, which regulates the smallest details of
life down to the permissible curve of bananas.
Soft totalitarianism has a kinder, gentler face. It pretends to advance
the cause of equality. It claims to be working for a gender utopia.
But in practice, soft totalitarianism relies on government-sponsored
bribery (known as the welfare state), top-down imposition of laws,
rampant distortions of fact, and
The end result of both forms of totalitarianism is exactly the same -
concentration of power in the government, economic stagnation,
undermining of the family, and curtailment of individual liberties.
At the UN, the color of jackboots is lavender and pink.