"Yeah, I hope I'm at least half the dad that he didn't
have to be. Because he didn't have to be. You know
he didn't have to be."
—Brad Paisley, "He Didn't Have To Be"
"He took me from a boy to a man so Phil is my father
cause my biological didn't bother."
—Shaquille O'Neal, "Biological Didn't Bother"
My heart absolutely aches and breaks over the loving
dedication that both country music star Brad Paisley
and professional basketball star/rap artist Shaquille
O'Neal express for their stepfather. Their musical
genres may be worlds apart, but their musical choice
to honor stepfathers is deeply moving. Clearly, Brad
Paisley and Shaquille O'Neal have shown their success
can be attributed to their maturity in having allowed
themselves to be fathered when that was what they
Now, don't get the idea that I believe the myth that
political scientist Stephen Baskerville has spent
years trying to destroy. That is, American fathers
walk out on their families as a matter of whim and
fancy. Nothing could be further from the truth. In
fact, our civil society has benefited from the work
done on behalf of children and their families by
organizations such as the American Coalition For
Fathers and Children, the Children's Rights Council,
and others.
This being said, it's quite paradoxical that this year
is the 10th anniversary of a book titled, "Fatherless
America: Confronting Our Most Urgent and Social
Problem." Written during the witch hunt years of the
alleged Deadbeat Dad crisis, author David Blankenhorn
proves himself over and over again to be a master of
the famed bait and switch.
On one hand, Blankenhorn concedes that children are in
fact "safer with a father than without one." But when
Blankenhorn talks further about child sexual abuse, he
has the naked audacity to proclaim, "too many married
men commit this crime." Blankenhorn wrote a very
dangerous book in "Fatherless America" because he is
all over the place. Up and down. Scrambled. Almost
like a family law attorney talking out of both sides
of his mouth.
I firmly agree with the concerns that Stephen
Baskerville has with "Fatherless America."
Baskerville took Blankenhorn to task on September 3,
2004, in an excellent article titled,
"The Failure Of
Fatherhood Policy." I read the article on the
lewrockwell.com web site, and it included more
scrambled quotes from Blankenhorn. Namely, "never
before in this country have so many children been
voluntarily abandoned by their fathers."
When Baskerville writes, "the untruth that widespread
fatherlessness is caused primarily by paternal
abandonment disguises the uncontested truth that
millions of innocent children are kept in forced
separation from legally unimpeachable fathers by court
orders that their fathers may breach only on pain of
incarceration", he is properly speaking about
fatherhood not being so much abandoned, but more like
fatherhood being denied.
Interestingly, there is a facet to Blankenhorn's
"Fatherless America" that I don't believe I've heard
anyone talk about very much in the past decade. I'm
sure Brad Paisley, Shaquille O'Neal, and anyone else
who is grateful for having been parented by a
stepfather would take serious issue with Blankenhorn's
fragmented feelings and false conclusions regarding
stepfathers. After reading the chapter titled, "The
Stepfather and The Nearby Guy", I truly wonder how
Blankenhorn can sleep at night. I still wonder, what
is Blankenhorn's real agenda?
Blankenhorn calls stepfathers "nonfathers." This is a
contradiction in terms. He makes the mistake of
agreeing with William R. Beer, who is under the silly
impression that a stepfamily is "like a trolley car
that rolls along the tracks, with people getting on
and off." A sharply negative view of stepfathers and
stepfamilies is enabling to biological mothers and
their children when they don't want to "accept" a
stepfather, even if the biological father is out of
the picture. Horrible images of stepfathers run
rampant in our confused culture in movies like
"Domestic Disturbance."
There are some uncomfortable truths most people are
afraid to admit. That is, the primary reason why
stepfamilies end and stepfathers "disengage" from
their stepchildren is because sometimes stepchildren
make the the poor choice to not accept the stepfather
as a parent. This is a costly mistake, particularly
when the biological father is out of the picture.
It's the worst lose-lose game in town.
While Blankenhorn makes absolutely no sense by stating
that in regard to "the great majority of stepfathers"
who are "not fathers at all", he relies on studies
that don't seem to factor in the choices biological
mothers and their children make in relation to the
child's stepfather, who is of course, the biological
mother's husband. Here's the uncomfortable truth.
It's actually easier for a stepfather to want to help
out, than not. Again, if the biological father is not
in the picture, a good stepfather simply wants to be
allowed to be a parent, rather than a substitute
I agree in large part with Howard H. Bloomfield,
author of "Making Peace In Your Stepfamily", when he
writes, "There is no reason why stepparents cannot
parent just as effectively as biological parents."
Please note the word, "parent." Stepfathers know the
"love" stepchildren have for their biological father
might always be stronger no matter what. Big deal!
Did you hear me? Big deal! We can handle it. What
we can't handle, and what ultimately (usually 2-4
years later) makes stepfathers disengage from their
stepchildren, is the rejection they subjectively and
objectively feel as adults who just wanted to be more
than a "guy" in the house.
I must say that the most disturbing part of
Blankenhorn's thinking is his unwillingness to look at
step-fatherhood through the eyes of, well,
stepfathers. How moronic. Blankenhorn is like a
biological mother who once had a good marriage and
allowed it to die because she just couldn't help but
be friends with her child, instead of learning to be a
parent and back her husband up as a stepfather. How
Yet, I don't think anything could ever sway
Blankenhorn to the reality "the great majority of
stepfathers" deserve to hear and feel the R word from
their stepchildren that they have spent years, not
weeks or months, providing for. So, what's the R
word? Respect.
I personally challenge Blankenhorn to reconsider his
twisted views on stepfathers and stepfamilies. For
him to completely discount the years of sacrifice that
stepfathers make, particularly when the biological
father is out of the picture, stinks. Real bad. It
cannot go unchallenged.
I imagine Blankenhorn is too sophisticated and
"educated" to listen to either country music or rap
music. Blankenhorn could learn something from Brad
Paisley and Shaquille O'Neal. Blankenhorn could
surely learn something profound by having a cup of
coffee or two with an actual living and breathing
He would learn that we're human.
Zizza writes regularly about stepfathers and
He also serves as Vice President for the State of Georgia
for the non-profit organization,
Parents For Label and Drug Free
Read Zizza's "Think Twice" column at: