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Federal Child Support Enforcement Cuts Will Hurt Bureaucrats, not Children
December 21, 2005
by Jeffery M. Leving and Glenn Sacks

Due to legal action by the Las Vegas Review Journal, we have removed this column from our archives.

This is a slightly expanded version of a column which was originally published in the Las Vegas Review-Journal (12/17/05) and the Riverside Press-Enterprise (12/16/05).

Jeffery M. Leving is one of America's most prominent family law attorneys. He is the author of the book Fathers' Rights: Hard-hitting and Fair Advice for Every Father Involved in a Custody Dispute. His website iswww.dadsrights.com.

Glenn Sacks' columns on men's and fathers' issues have appeared in dozens of America's largest newspapers. Glenn can be reached via his website at www.GlennSacks.com

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