Feeling a little bored, maybe suffering from after-the-holiday blues?
The World Health Organization never fails to provide a moment of levity
in our otherwise hum-drum lives.
Take the AIDS epidemic. After all these years of seeing the epidemic
spread unchecked, I'm beginning to wonder if the world health body views
AIDS as its stealth population control strategy.
If that statement seems a bit harsh, consider the WHO's "safe sex"
campaign which pushes this Russian-roulette message: "Go ahead and enjoy
no-fault sex with multiple partners, just so long as you use a condom."
As we know,
fail 15% of the time.
And if you want a real belly laugh, check out the WHO
Sex Work Toolkit,
designed to make prostitutes feel good about themselves as they service
their AIDS-infected clientele. Just in case you were worried, the
Toolkit comes with this disclaimer: "In no event shall the World Health
Organization be liable for damages arising from its use."
Then there's the malaria epidemic that claims the lives of millions each
year. Spraying tiny amounts of DDT on the walls of houses is highly
effective in killing malaria-infected mosquitoes. But the WHO won't
allow household spraying because - you guessed it -- that might offend
the environmentalists.
And last July the WHO added two abortion-inducing drugs - RU-486 and
Mifrepex - to its list of "essential medicines." At least WHO won't have
to worry about providing so many vaccines and vitamin pills to little
Here's the most recent laugh-getter from the World Health Organization.
Can you imagine the world body doing a study that cherry-picks its
participants and relies on flawed methods in order to reach a
pre-determined conclusion?
That's exactly what the WHO did with its recent
Study on
Women's Health and Domestic Violence Against Women".
Every study I've seen shows that domestic violence is an equal
opportunity problem. Professor Murray Straus of the University of New
Hampshire interviewed over 8,000 men and women in 16 countries around
the world. He found high
rates of assault "perpetrated by both male and
female students."
And recent reports from
likewise reveal that women are equally likely to
assault their male partners.
But that rendition of gender equality didn't sit too well with the
lavender ladies at WHO's department of Gender, Women, and Health. They
solved that problem by designing a study that - you guessed right again
- only interviewed females.
Then the WHO asked radical feminist organizations around the world to
conduct the surveys. That's like doing a study on persons' opinions
about wearing animal fur, and letting PETA run the show.
Since the interviewers knew nothing about how to do surveys, they were
put through a 3-week indoctrination - er, training - program. The
training was based on a manual called
"Researching Violence Against
Women", which, not surprisingly,
had very little to say about domestic violence against men.
Of course they ensured the survey not ask any questions whether the
woman had ever injured her husband or boyfriend - that might get a
little embarrassing. To top it off, they did a little definitional
hocus-pocus, absurdly claiming that "abuse" is the same as "violence."
To no one's great surprise, the survey found that there's plenty
domestic violence around the world, and of course it's those brutish men
who are at fault. Predictably the WHO apparatchiks blamed it on the
all-powerful patriarchy: "Violence against women is both a consequence
and a cause of gender inequality," laments the report.
Then they got the boss to give a headline-grabbing endorsement. "This
study shows that women are more at risk from violence at home than in
the street and this has serious repercussions for women's health,"
according to WHO director Lee Jong-wook.
Of course Dr. Jong-wook never mentioned that men are twice as likely as
women to die from violence-related causes. That fact didn't quite fit
into the punch-line.
As if that wasn't enough, the WHO had the arrogance and chutzpah to bill
the fraudulent survey as a
"landmark study".
It may be true that laughter is the best medicine, but this time the
joke's on us -- the U.S. taxpayer.
In order to support this misguided comedy routine, each year the United
States sends the WHO $95 million for assessed dues, and another $45
million for so-called "extra-budgetary" contributions. That money is
funneled through the Office for Global Health Affairs in the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services. Eventually your hard-earned
money winds up in the Swiss bank account of a UN bureaucracy that lacks
fairness, accountability, or intellectual honesty.