The controversial 'Roe v.
Wade for Men' lawsuit filed in Michigan recently
demonstrates the disparate treatment of men and women by our
family law system. The plaintiff, 25 year-old Matt Dubay, claims
that he was duped into fatherhood. He argues that since women
are not compelled to be mothers, he should not be compelled to
bear the responsibilities of fatherhood, including the
responsibility to pay child support. Whether one sympathizes
with Dubay or not, his lawsuit illustrates the way the family
law system addresses the needs and desires of women, while
turning a cold shoulder to those of men. This system represents
the most egregious violation of gender equity in our society
plight of unwed fathers exemplifies the point. Dubay is vilified
by both the pro-choice feminist left and the pro-life right as
an irresponsible cad, deadbeat and whiner. Yet the millions of
unmarried men who do try to be fathers to their children find
that while they are frequently lectured to "take
responsibility," they're often not permitted any meaningful role
in their children's lives. These stand-up guys usually get to
spend only a few days a month with their kids, if they're lucky.
Once mom finds a new man, they're often pushed out entirely in
favor of the child's "new dad." And fathers who look to the
family law system for help quickly find that said system has no
interest in their case beyond keeping the child support checks
contrast between child support enforcement and the enforcement
of visitation and parenting time also illustrates this inequity.
Over $5 billion a year is spent nationwide on enforcing child
support, and large enforcement bureaucracies exist in all
states. Each year 100,000 men are jailed for alleged
non-payment of child support, and many others lose their
driver's licenses, passports and business licenses. This is
despite the fact that Federal Office of Child Support
Enforcement data reveal that nationwide 70% of those behind on
payments earn poverty level wages, and less than 5% earn $40,000
a year.
Fathers who want to share in parenting their children face
many obstacles. In a study conducted by Arizona State University
psychology professor Sanford Braver and published in the
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 40% of divorced mothers
admitted that they had interfered with their ex-husband's access
or visitation, and that their motives were punitive in nature
and not due to safety considerations. A study of adult children
of divorce conducted by Glynnis Walker, author of Solomon's
Children: Exploding the Myths of Divorce, found that 42% of
children who lived solely with their mothers reported that their
mothers had tried to prevent them from seeing their fathers
after the divorce.
Despite this, state and federal governments spend almost nothing
on enforcing visitation and parenting time. Fathers denied
access to their kids are on their own, and must wage
long, costly legal battles to remain a part of their children's
lives. And while prosecutions of fathers who violate child
support mandates are common, prosecutions of mothers who violate
visitation orders are almost nonexistent.
epidemic of domestic violence restraining orders is another
example of disparate treatment. According to the Justice
Department, two million restraining orders are issued each year
in the United States, most of them based on allegations of
domestic violence. Such orders are usually issued on behalf of
the mother, without the accused's knowledge and with no
opportunity afforded for him to defend himself. When an order is
issued, the man is booted out of his own home and can even be
jailed if he tries to contact his own children. This enables
women to better position themselves to gain custody of their
children in the subsequent divorce.
Numerous bar associations, legal groups and attorneys have
complained that many restraining orders are simply custody
maneuvers, and that they represent a horrendous violation of due
process. Nevertheless, most courts grant them to practically
any woman who applies.
"woman good/man bad" modus operandi of the family law
system has wounded children and the fathers they love and need.
The problem cannot be resolved until we acknowledge and address
the fundamental inequities of the system. The Dubay case is
merely the tip of the iceberg.
This article first appeared on (4/5/06).
Mike McCormick is the Executive Director of the
American Coalition for Fathers and
Children, the world's largest shared parenting organization.
Glenn Sacks' columns on men's and fathers' issues have appeared in dozens of
America's largest newspapers. Glenn can be reached via his website at