What will Dan Rather be most remembered for - the forged memos from the
ill-fated Texas Air National Guard story? Or will it be this candid
admission, "Who among us have not lied about somebody? I think you can
be an honest person and lie about any number of things"?
No matter, now we have a new contestant in the
How-much-can-you-slant-the-news-and-keep-a-straight-face sweepstakes.
Her name is Katie Couric, and in a few short weeks she will sashay into
the anchor seat at CBS News. You may remember, she was the first host of
a morning talk show to ever broadcast her own colonoscopy.
Whether the issue is abortion, the gender wage gap, or daycare, Couric
has always crooned in harmony with the feminist looney-tunes. She
credited Madeleine Albright as being a "rock star" and hailed Nancy
Pelosi's ascension to the House leadership with a "you go, girl!"
In a June 2, 1994 interview, Couric invited Christina Hoff Sommers,
author of Who Stole Feminism?. When Sommers explained that football does
not provoke male viewers into a wife-beating frenzy, Katie offered this
response: "Let's say, if one accepts your thesis, that these statistics
are inflated or used incorrectly. Aren't you worried about throwing the
baby out with the bath water? ... Aren't you afraid that you're going
to be dismissing the problem all together if you refute that, or if you
constantly criticize that?"
So Katie let the cat out of the bag - when feminists make their
grandiose claims about brutish patriarchs and downtrodden women, they
don't believe a single word of what they're saying. It's just that
telling the truth would be tantamount to "dismissing the problem all
In 1991, Clarence Thomas was nominated to the Supreme Court. When
feminist Anita Hill switched her testimony, senator Arlen Specter
remarked on her lack of credibility. Nine years later, Katie was still
So on March 6, 2000 she invited Specter to her program and then
proceeded to rake him over the coals: "You know you, you angered a lot
of feminists when you accused Anita Hill. In fact, you detailed how she
changed her testimony during questioning, during the Clarence Thomas
confirmation hearings. And you accused of her publicly, quote, 'Flat out
perjury.' Any regrets?"
Always on the look-out to find sexism where none exists, Ms. Couric
invited Time magazine managing editor Jim Kelly to her show on December
22, 2003. Waving the magazine's Person of the Year issue, Kate demanded,
"Tell me why you all decided to honor the American soldier? Wondering
why there's no woman on the cover, too?"
When Kelly pointed out the uniformed woman on the front, Couric began to
trot out her pre-scripted answer, only to realize too late that she had
goofed: "Oh, there you go...oh sorry...I couldn't tell because of her
But it was a segment she did on February 8 last year that most exposed
her feminist-socialist leanings. The piece featured a taped interview
with Gloria Steinem.
This was Couric's best line: "While nearly as many women are now in the
workforce as men, they are still paid less. About 76 cents for every
dollar a man makes." Of course Couric was raking in $13 million that
year, plus incentive provisions and syndication fees. Yes, Katie knows
all about the oppression of women in the workplace.
Katie is not just a perky cheerleader for the latest feminist
cause-de-jour; she has a history of being an unrepentant gender bigot.
In a November 1997 interview of Nicole Contos, the cast-off bride of
Tasos Michael, Couric asked Contos, "Have you considered castration as
an option?"
Katie, I know of women who have gotten wet feet at the last minute. So
will you be asking their jilted bridegrooms, "Have you considered
vulvectomy as an option?"
Just a month later on December 15, Couric reported that commercials
directed at men are simple-minded, compared to those aimed at women.
That's because women are capable of more complex thought, according to
But above all, Katie Couric is the lead pom-pom girl for team Hillary.
After Mrs. Clinton released her book in 2003, Couric ran a five-part
series to commemorate the event. When Hillary invented the story about
daughter Chelsea barely escaping a firey death in Battery Park on 9/11,
Katie sympathized, "At that moment, she was not just a senator, but a
concerned parent."
Tissue, please.
So as Katie Couric takes over at CBS News and HRC revs up her
presidential campaign, get ready for more fawning interviews,
tear-jerker stories, and good ol' fashioned tall tales.
Carey Roberts has
been published frequently in the Washington Times, Townhall.com,
LewRockwell.com, ifeminists.net, Intellectual Conservative, and
elsewhere. He is a staff reporter for the New Media Alliance.