In the face
of over 3,500 calls, letters and faxes opposing
SB 1482, the hearing on the bill has been
postponed from April 25 to Tuesday, May 9.
Thanks to all of your for your participation.
The stated reason for the postponement
is that the committee is working on fiscal
matters right now, and SB 1482 isn't fiscal.
It is possible that this is what happened.
However, as I noted in last week's action
alert, the bill's backers made a sweeping,
last minute amendment to the bill in order
to slip it through before opponents had
a chance to organize. Now that there is
great opposition, it is also possible that
the bill's author realizes that this won't
be easy and is delaying in order to marshal
her forces. It is also possible that she
is backing away from the bill, or is going
to amend it to make it less objectionable.
We will keep you informed. To donate to
help our campaign, click
As I noted in my action alert
NEW CAMPAIGN: Move-Away Bill Will Harm Children
of Divorce (April 18, 2006):
SB 1482...a parent seeking to block
a move is
specifically prohibited from citing
most of the evidence that could provide a basis for
restraining the move. Nonmoving parents are prevented
from citing the move's impact on their children's relationships
with them or the effects of the children losing their
schools and friends. This directly abrogates current
California case law which says that the children's relationship
with their nonmoving parent must be considered when
deciding a relocation case.
1482 is an attempt by the extremist Coalition for
Family Equity and misguided feminists to reverse the
progress made on behalf of California's children of
divorce over the past two years. From 1996 to 2004 move-away
determinations were based on the Burgess decision,
which was interpreted by California courts as conferring
unlimited move-away privileges. Under Burgess
the bonds between tens of thousands of children and
their noncustodial parents were needlessly ruptured.
"The California Supreme Court addressed
the problem in the
decision in April, 2004 by making it clear
that courts can prevent children from being moved when
it is detrimental to their interests. Among the factors
deemed important were the relationship between the child
and the nonmoving parent.
"In the summer of 2004 then Senate President
John Burton, one of the most powerful people in California,
introduced SB 730, a bill which would have granted custodial
parents an almost unlimited right to move children far
away from their noncustodial parents.
"We organized opposition to SB 730,
and thousands of you wrote and called Sacramento to
oppose the bill. Our campaign gained
media attention and was endorsed by numerous mental
health and family law
Burton surprised Sacramento insiders by
the bill a few weeks later...
"California family law has a huge influence
on other states, and parents all over the United States
have a large stake in what happens here. I hear every
day from devastated parents who lost their children
in the aftermath of the misguided Burgess decision.
I often hear from parents whose relationships with their
children were saved by the LaMusga decision.
Alliance for Children
Concerned About Move-Aways, which we originally
formed to defeat SB 730, is working with the
Alliance for Families and Children to defeat
SB 1482."
Glenn Sacks' columns on men's and fathers' issues have appeared in dozens of
America's largest newspapers. Glenn can be reached via his website at