The Louisiana House of Representatives will soon consider a
misguided family law bill which will make it more difficult for
children of divorce to preserve the loving bonds they share with
both parents. Whereas most states are moving towards
shared parenting, House Bill 315 takes Louisiana in the opposite
direction, to the detriment of some of the state's most
vulnerable children.
Louisiana law states "To the extent it is feasible and in the
best interest of the child, physical custody of the children
should be shared equally." This is reasonable—it presumes that
as long as both parents are fit and there are no extenuating
circumstances, they should both share in parenting their
children. HB 315 weakens the law's wise preference for two
parents instead of one. Under the bill all that children receive
is a vaguely defined "as frequent and continuing contact as is
feasible with each parent." However, research establishes that
shared custody is what's best for kids.
According to
psychologist Robert Bauserman's meta-analysis of 33 studies of
children of divorce, which was published in the American
Psychological Association's Journal of Family Psychology,
children in shared custody settings had fewer behavior and
emotional problems, higher self-esteem, better family relations,
and better school performance than children in sole custody
A Harvard
University study of 517 families conducted across a
four-and-a-half year period measured depression, deviance,
school effort, and school grades in children ranging in age from
10 to 18. The researchers found that the children in
shared custody settings fared better in these areas than those
in sole custody.
A study by
psychologist Joan Kelly published in the Family and
Conciliation Courts Review found that children of divorce
"express higher levels of satisfaction with joint physical
custody than with sole custody arrangements," and cite the
"benefit of remaining close to both parents" as an important
When Arizona
State University psychology professor William Fabricius
conducted a study of college students who had experienced their
parents' divorces while they were children, he found that over
two-thirds believed that "living equal amounts of time with each
parent is the best arrangement for children."
Unfortunately, rather than putting the need to preserve
children's relationships with both parents at the center of the
discussion, advocates of HB 315 are instead focusing on child
support. In Louisiana, like most states, how much time each
parent spends with his or her children helps determine how much
child support is ordered. Rep. Shirley Bowler (R-River Ridge),
who authored the bill, asserts that dads seek shared custody as
a way to decrease their child support obligations. She promotes
HB 315 as a way to "remove this angle" in the current law, which
she claims divorced dads are exploiting.
While it is
true that there are fathers who put their pocketbooks above
their children's best interests, Bowler and the bill's
supporters ignore the obvious converse. If a dad may seek 50%
physical time with his children simply to lower his child
support obligation, doesn't it also hold that a mother may seek
85% physical time in order to increase it?
critics charge that the child support provisions of current law
amount to paying men to spend time with their children. In
reality, the provisions simply acknowledge that both moms and
dads have child-related expenses.
HB 315 also
provides that a court may require a six-month trial period
before ordering shared custody. While this may sound reasonable,
it opens the door for mischief. When there is discord between
divorced parents and joint custody appears unworkable, sole
custody is the alternative. One of the grave problems in our
family court system is that this dynamic gives the parent
positioned to gain sole custody—usually the mother—an incentive
to create conflict.
parenting is advocated by a growing consensus of mental health
and family law professionals, and current Louisiana law has led
to an increase in shared custody awards. This greatly benefits
the state's children, who preserve their bonds with the two
people who love them the most. HB 315 would reverse this
progress by reinstating an atavistic, win/lose system which
often reduces loving parents to being mere occasional visitors
in their children's lives.
Mike McCormick is the Executive Director of the
American Coalition for Fathers
and Children, the world's largest shared parenting organization.
Glenn Sacks' columns on men's and fathers' issues have appeared in dozens of
America's largest newspapers. Glenn can be reached via his website at
This article first appeared in the
Shreveport Times (5/20/06).